It’s been one hell of a couple weeks

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Well-known member
This past two weeks have been a bit of a shit show. Going from a huge ice storm in the Midwest knocking out power for over a week across the state!! To a huge cheating scandal to take the presidency away from our only hope at a great county again. Can it get any worse at this point??
I lifted with a retired army guy like way up the e levels he said it would be 2023 before this was all settled. Guessing he was intel.
Even he he proves cheating the courts will just say you need to fix your elections. And that they don’t have the power to remove someone from office that is the legislative branch of govt. so then he gets impeached and guilty the still don’t remove him from Congress then 25th amendment happens sleepy how goes to sleep Kamala takes over Pelosi is Vice President and BOOYAH. They left gets what they want don’t hate the demcracts for being democratic the republicans you vote for Stand by and allow this to happen and don’t say a word because they don’t want him there either republican or democrat the are both politician and that means take your shit tell you what to do with it and ride your back while they get rich oh and two tits and some BBQ
Everything I can control is great family, health. It’s the lack of work and power due to conditions that are out of my hands that’s stressful everything will work itself out it always does just venting!! On that note I noticed your a rep tried reaching out to via email and received no response is there a reason for that? @John
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