SB Labs


Just looked it up. Basically an international wu…been around for a long time

There’s several locations near me.
That is a very good thing. Professional all the way around. It’s like GYm shoes, I guess its an addiction. I have my rotation but Platinum has proven a well made product stands up to all the tests. especially, time. its funny because and i’m not pulling the experience card…Damn Ive used more fake or underdosed stuff than most, but years ago, Halotestin wasn’t just for “the last weeks of show prep” for example some needed nolvadex, some were lucky and didnt. Primobolan was weak, anavar was unreal at 25mg a day, 10 2.5 mg Footballs was WOW!!! The point is well made and real dosed stuff , once you have that feeling you get it. You train to get stronger, or for hypertrophy, bulky or lean. A good Batch or all around company is consistent. Now, I want to train, getting the tunnel vision even though my "show " is just having a different look, Like Seth Feroce, look good naked! I’ll never forget the crazy water retention but huge strength gains from Nilevar and Deca. Until corrected, we thought nilevar was anavar or close to it but no. lucky it was a bunch of young guys getting their hands on a bunch of stuff that was real. Who eats a ton and trains heavy on Primobolan and winsrol V with Stenox. you will get pretty fuckin big and not shredded. So , some of the …I’ll stop now!!!