SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Melanotan II has me getting dark brown. I haven’t even been in the sun in two weeks. I just took 400mcg because it gives me an erection all night while I’m sleeping which helps me not have to get up to pee every hour. I still get up to pee 3-4 times but my bladder feels less strained when I’m sleeping with a hard wiener.
Are you currently on MT2?
I started using it recently for the first time in years. I was only using tiny doses and had missed a few days but it was working. Although one day I was in the sun all day and burnt my head thinking it would cover me but the dose hadn’t been high enough. After going out and drinking too much I stopped everything and haven’t used mt2 since because the thought of feeling nausous doesn’t appeal to me when I am that hungover 😃 I will probably restart it soon though.

Cialis and melanotan 2 is the ultimate combo for sex. Now you just need to find a young lady to use it on 😃 That combo must be helping your prostate as well. Definitely the perfect compliment stack when getting ripped because of their effects on fat burning, insulin sensitivity, tanning, pumps and vascularity 🙂
I hear ya on the nausea. I started only taking it every few days and now it gives me nausea again. When I took it daily I didn’t get nauseas after the first few days.
Oh yeah!!! You’ll get those type of erections you got during puberty that point straight up to the North Star, and they pop up without warning. Depending on your job it can be very awkward. 😀
Today is an off day. Yesterday was supposed to be my off day but I trained instead which was awesome but today I ache all over. The arthritis in my hands is making it hard to hold onto my protein shaker. Haha you never think you’ll get old but if you’re lucky enough you’ll know what I mean one day.
Meal #4:
1/3Lb London broil, 2 slices Dave’s 21 grain/seed bread, lettuce, tomato, mustard.
Meal #5:
10 egg whites with salsa, 7 white cheddar rice cakes.
Meal #6:
Protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT oil caps, a multi vit/min/fruit/veggie tab.
I used to coach but that was when I had a completely different outlook. I was trying to go pro and I pushed crazy high doses, very heavy weights, and protein/carbs every 2 hours around the clock many times. I put my clients on the protocol that worked for me. They got freaking huge very quickly. Then I had a conversation with my dad. He said have you asked them how their blood pressure is. Not everyone has the genetics to do the crazy things you do and be healthy. When I asked my clients to check their bp they all had sky high blood pressure, I decided maybe it’s best I leave the craziness to myself and not jeopardize the health of others. I didn’t care about my health then. I expected to die by 40. But things sure do change when your body starts failing on you and you are in pain all the time. Now I still probably do more that I should with all the nootropics and gear. My gear doses are 20% what they were, but I’m sure it’s more than a guy my age should do. But I love progressing. I tried the TRT doses and progress was too darn slow for my sanity.
This is the goal!
Helmut Strebl
He’s ridiculous will your joints maintain how bout tendons. If not May I recommend UCII. im going to take it to see how my joints feel after awhile. If I make the stuff may as well use it
Today was BICEPS and TRICEPS:
I do all supersets and giant sets.
1st Round:
  • 3 sets of band curls supersetted with lying one arm dumbbell extensions
    2nd Round:
  • 3 sets of standing barbell drag curls supersetted with single arm reverse band curls supersetted with skull crushers supersetted with narrow grip bench press
    3rd Round:
  • 3 sets of dumbbell Hammer curls supersetted with dumbbell kick backs
    4th Round:
  • 3 sets of alternating dumbbell curls supersetted with zottman curls supersetted with single arm reverse grip pushdowns supersetted with single arm overhand grip pushdowns supersetted with hammer grip pushdowns
The pump was intense after take my preworkout of 50mg anavar, 50mg tbol, 20mg Cialis, and a shit-ton of nootropics.
Today’s diet is almost identical to yesterday:

Meal #1:
Protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT oil caps, 1 taurine cap, 1 L-arginine tab, 1 magnesium cap, a multi vit/min/fruit/veggie tab

(30 minutes preworkout)
3 taurine caps, 3 L-arginine tabs, 1 magnesium cap

Meal #2:
Protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT oil caps,


Meal #3:
Protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT oil caps, a multi vit/min/fruit/veggie tab

Meal #4:
10 egg whites with salsa, 7 white cheddar rice cakes.

Meal #5:
1/3Lb London broil, 2 slices Dave’s 21 grain/seed bread, lettuce, tomato, mustard.

Meal #6:
Protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT oil caps, a multi vit/min/fruit/veggie tab.
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