JLee Training Log Vol1

Breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner! I have my dinner before I leave and have a small snack before bed. There’s a couple of lifters at my job so I’m not the only person coming in with bags of food!
Hahaha you sound exactly like me!!! Get that premium pay.

Had an old man tell me a long tome ago, concerning premium pay, “boy, would you walk out your front door and step over a hundred dollar bill or would you bend down and pick it up?”

I’ve never forgotten that.
Lol. I wish. If I go after work I’m tired and my training sucks. The only draw back is if work sucks and I’m running around I pay for it. I usually luck out because it’s not to often.
The bonus of being there that early…it’s empty. Occasionally there might be one person there but that’s rare.
@JLee I know you’re a humble guy brother. But you’re a pace setter. Like it or not you’ve got many guys looking at your dedication and focus and feeding off of it.