SB Labs

Just an introduction

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I don’t know the situation but everybody I k ow how has had it at somepoint was definitely adverse to hard work. My worry would be stretching the stomach back out trying to get the nutrients in to build muscle. I have a friend that lost 150 From the surgery and is now right back to where he was prior cause he had no will power
Just giving you shit bro!!! That’s what I love about this place people say it like it is!!! Good call!!! I didn’t know that about that surgery. This is what this place is all about @Hotrod480. Keeping it real and keeping us accountable. And of course harm reduction being number one!!!
Im beginning to think you live in some sort of bubble. There are so many things that seem unaware of that are pretty regular things Hahahah.
My big boy is a fuckin love bug always gotta be touching people 100 lbs tryin to sit in your lap, while my female could give a shit less
No it’s not skipping the hard work in losing weight it is nothing more than a tool to lose weight. Just the same as gear is a tool to build muscle. I am making an assumption in this statement but just the fact that you are a member of this forum pretty much tells me you have used gear to build muscle why didnt you do it the hard way with diet an exercise?
If you don’t mind me
Asking what was the cause of the weight gain to begin with
Im glad to hear that you were able to drop the weight and welcome to ugmuscle.
If you’re looking to put on muscle get into the gym and just get started lifting.
We have multiple members workout logs that can help you put something together for yourself.
Check out members logs to find some good routines.
I understand what you are saying. Most would say, the difference is gear is used once your lifting and diet has been dialed in. It’s an accessory not the main source.

However, I am actually excited to hear about your journey. The post bypass diet is one that will be interesting to follow along with in regards to gear and gains. Sounds like LOTS of small meals.

I’m not terribly familiar with the diet restrictions, but if I’m recalling correctly you can’t process more than a small amount of food at a time. Even then, the daily macro allotments is still pretty small is it not? Compared to most of us trying to build muscle eating 250g of protein a day.

I’m excited you’re here. Looking forward to helping in your journey. You’re in a good place to grow in knowledge and then grow in size safely while staying healthy.
Not too knowledgeable about gastric bypasses, but I do know if you’re trying to drop weight nothing beats calorie restriction plus cardio.
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