Late introduction, better than never?

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ICU nurse/Moderator
Hey guys,

As I’ve recently become more involved with this incredible community I’ve seen @Bigmurph encourage introductions time and time again… so here I am.

I’m 30, 6’1, 210lb, and at least before quarantine the “inbody scanner” at my gym had me at 11% BF. No idea how accurate those are, but that’s what it said. Probably closer to 15% with all pizza folks are having delivered to work.

Have been lifting hard and consistent for
The last three years and off and on since high school before that. Have done everything from powerlifting to CrossFit, to RP’s physique template.

Have run cycles sporadically for awhile now and have stuck with test E and EQ bc I felt comfortable with it. Honestly have been scared to branch out due to lack of confidence in my knowledge. This place changed that!

First, I cannot thank this community enough. As I recently commented on a different post, this place brought me from knowing enough to hurt myself to being able to run things safely and effectively. I’m working on being more active and vocal here because I truly believe that this is a place to learn and grow in knowledge… I just feel like everyone here knows so much more than me so I am often times quiet. The honest pursuit of knowledge is rewarded here and I am thankful for.

I am an ICU nurse, and for the first time in… well forever nurses are on the top of the economic food chain during this crazy time in history. I am thankful for that obviously, despite being burdened by the reason why. So I decided to take this time to spread the financial love where I can to the community that has helped me so much.

Made several orders from @GearChurch and @paramexer and @AIPCTshop

Test prop

I haven’t decided how or what I’m going to run, just knew I needed to support while I can!

Thanks for being such a great community.
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Welcome to ugmuscle looks like you are locked and loaded. I look forward to hearing and seeing your results from tbis cycle.

Good luck and good gains brother
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