SB Labs

Let’s get back to Bodybuilding

1050 test E weekly.
700 equipoise / boldenone

Testosterone total: 4452
Testosterone free: 1568

Estradiol / E2 / estro was 30. I would like it a little higher. I had taken 12.5 of adex the day before bc my nips were on fire. So next time will bump down to 6.25 when needed.

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You’ll get a lot of bad feedback from folks about taking Adex and how if your drop your e2 too low, you should dial back your Adex…But, in reality, if your sex hormone numbers are staying lower along with your e2, you should be in good rhythm and your body will adjust. I can elaborate more, if this is not making sense or confusing on the two in combo together on bloods, but I think you get where I’m going with this.
You’ll get a lot of bad feedback from folks about taking Adex and how if your drop your e2 too low, you should dial back your Adex…But, in reality, if your sex hormone numbers are staying lower along with your e2, you should be in good rhythm and your body will adjust. I can elaborate more, if this is not making sense or confusing on the two in combo together on bloods, but I think you get where I’m going with this.

I understand exactly what you’re saying. I’ll take ownership of the big drop here. I’ve never had to really use adex and I should have used 6.25 but I dumbly assumed 12.5 would be fine on a gram.

Ideally I’d have it higher than 30 with my test being so high but we live and we learn.

All I know is…. I touted low doses for a very long time. I did. But GODDAMN I FEEL LIKE THOR RIGHT NOW.

I run 12.5 of it twice a week, because I unfortunately produce estrogen on Test like it’s going out of style. Keeps me about 30-35 on bloodwork at 1gram of Test. Running the Primo or Mast with higher doses of Test help keep it in check some for me, too, but I think others have the same benefit. It’s weird, cause if I run over a gram of test (very rare), or if I run only 500mg’s, I still need the Adex at same dose to keep e2 in check.
That is interesting, but goes to prove my point of play YOUR game based on YOUR body. I feel confident the EQ is keeping my e2 in check for the most part.
That is interesting, but goes to prove my point of play YOUR game based on YOUR body. I feel confident the EQ is keeping my e2 in check for the most part.

Yeah, this game we play is weird how differently things or compounds are for each of us. Trust me…I wish I was a genetically gifted Demi-God, like Thor where I didn’t have to supplement with anything and just take gear. Those that have that gift are so lucky.
I've and a lot of people I've known, used to do arimidex
.5 to 1mg a day when test was 1200plus. Also on a lot of tren and other anabolics. I think it's better to have your E in your range because you still have "thor" feeling we were hard and pumped but weaker and less energy then when we learned to cut back or go by testing mumbers
I keep in my estrogen in normal range. If it gets too high i feel like shit regardless of the test amount I run.

I have to agree! If I stay slightly + or - in my safe range and don’t go high, I feel normal. If it gets out of whack, I’m tired, cranky, getting emotional, and just overall lethargic.
I have to agree! If I stay slightly + or - in my safe range and don’t go high, I feel normal. If it gets out of whack, I’m tired, cranky, getting emotional, and just overall lethargic.
I’m one of the lucky ones… tested E 10 years ago or so and it was ok (don’t remember number) and I felt great. I don’t even bother anymore due to low amounts of sauce im currently on and will probably stay on.

With that being said it probably wouldn’t hurt to get it checked again.
Still plugging along. Up to 240 this week. No pump, only one meal in. Need to quit being a bitch and eat more and keep up with my cardio no excuses, just need to be better
Still plugging along. Up to 240 this week. No pump, only one meal in. Need to quit being a bitch and eat more and keep up with my cardio no excuses, just need to be better View attachment 17107
Bro, right here with you in consistently doing cardio. New gym we are hitting has Infrared Treadmill’s & Infrared Stairmaster’s that may invigorate my ability to do more than one day a week of consistent cardio. 😂😂
Bro, right here with you in consistently doing cardio. New gym we are hitting has Infrared Treadmill’s & Infrared Stairmaster’s that may invigorate my ability to do more than one day a week of consistent cardio. 😂😂
Bro, right here with you in consistently doing cardio. New gym we are hitting has Infrared Treadmill’s & Infrared Stairmaster’s that may invigorate my ability to do more than one day a week of consistent cardio. 😂😂
For the record…I consider 1 day a week pretty consistent!!! Consistently 1 day a week… see how good that sounds.
I like where you all headed with that “consistently one day per week”! 😂

Yeah, apparently IR is becoming more popular with cardio machines now versus just in saunas and whatnot. Not sure how much it will help, but I know it cannot hurt.