My Bulking cycle plan

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Alright guys so my first cycle ended at the end of august. Ran 600mg test c because I only had 200mg vials. For 12 weeks took my 12 weeks off and just did my 200mg TRT dose a week since then.

I got everything on hand. this is my plan so far and suggestions and words of wisdom is much appreciated!

500mg test c a week, pin Sunday and Wednesday
50mg anadrol capsule. Pwo
Also I take 20mg Cialis every morning
And I have Aromison on hand.
Fish oil and multivitamin every morning along with creatine. Also I have tudca and another liver support I’m taking.

My main question is do I need to take the AI or just see how I feel? And what should I pay attention too? And since I can’t split the anadrol since it’s capsule does that matter at all??
Yes got everything from flash :muscle:t3: Hope that’s allowed if not I’m sorry and will edit it. The aromison Isn’t from him tho. and it’s 25mg tabs I believe. will check when I get home
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Feel if you know when you need the ai but blood work is best o just took some today cause I feel
Bloated and constipated. Was trying to wait till after bloodwork to see where my estrogen would be with nothing but if feather feel good than do an experiment
I just started this plan last week and my bloods from trt check up were good she said. Also I’m normally always bloated by the end of the day any ways. I wish there was something I could do to change that cause I look pregnant at the end of the day 😭😭
My opinions and questions…

Any particular reason you’re taking 20mg cialis every day…prescribed?

Monitor your bp closely on those a-boms. Be very aware of your body and how you “feel”. Access your tolerance closely.

How long you plan on taking the a-boms?
4-6 weeks like I’ve read and the Cialis is prescribed also I just plan on staying at the 50mg pwo for the a bombs I don’t want to go up if I don’t have to
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I like checking every day but in reality 2 or 3 times a week.

this lifestyle we’re in should drive us all towards a routine of taking it often. Hypertension is the silent killer and will sneak up on you. Not to be trifled with.

I would recommend getting an arm cuff or wrist cuff. They’re battery operated and extremely portable. Take it on both arms and different times of the day. For example pre and post ingestion of your peds, training… after rest.

You’ll get a feel for it after a couple weeks and then be able to throttle back to a couple of times maybe once a week so long ad you don’t have any problems.

High bp is no joke brother
This my wrist cuff. What you see is it.
Okay! I will write them down and keep you posted! Thank you @Poppy! Your guidance is much appreciated my friend :pray:t2::pray:t2::muscle:t3:
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I don’t like just randomly taking drugs to counter sides of other drugs. On 500 test there’s a good chance you won’t even need an ai. Anadrol doesn’t convert to estrogen.
I always just take all my orals at once now and it’s never made a bit of difference.
With an ai if I need it I always take it about 12 hours post injection.
If you’re always bloated badly by the end of the day then you need to have a look at your food choices. One of the biggest factors for me in food choices is digestion
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