SB Labs

My log. As of 3-19-2021 Xpliot

I think with the oly bars they have at gym I can’t tell where to place feet so I used old bar today and got the feel for it feels good to feel good

Alright fellas! Little update! Got a good chest pump and did abs this morning. Feeling pretty good this is begging of week three for me of bulking sitting at 212 still so I need to eat more. Been having trouble eating. Feel like the anadrol kills my appetite.
Little update fellas! So I ended up changing my mind and not bulking as much as I wanted too. I switched up and started trying to lean out because life happens and I’m going on a vacation in April and want to look good with my shirt off lol I’m sitting at 198. I feel like this time around with this cut my mid section is way more devolved then it was last year when I was at 190lbs. My proudest thjng is I got a little baby veins showing in my abs and my back





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Thank you @Poppy! I wouldn’t be this far without your help and inspiration and this community :pray:t2: I’ve been pushing hard these last couple weeks since I’m off work. Been going twice a day. Second time I hit a few more things then do cardio, either 16 sets of sprints 30 seconds on 1:30 walking or 45min to an hour of stairs. I’ve been pushing myself harder everyday. Idk what’s came over me but I’m happy and motivated
Little life update fellas! Been a bit. Laborers union got me on with another contractor close to home doing brick mason work. Holy fuck is it hard! I’ve never carried so much block in my life. But I’m off by 3:30 and get weekends off. I got a coach a couple weeks ago and he has me eating a lot different then I’m used to. Def has shown me a different aspect to having a good diet with more variety then the way I was doing it. Eating 6 times a day has helped me so much to fight of the hunger and not feel like I’m dying. Also drinking a gallon to. Gallon and a half a day. He has me carb cycling the last two weeks. 6 low 1 high. Also has me doing faster cardio after lifting 5 times a week. But I weighed in today at 193.6lbs and idk if I’m in my head and over thinking but I feel like I don’t look as full as I usually do at 195lbs. The first video is back in febuary at 195lbs and the second video is today at 193lbs. I feel like I’m starting to look scronny af :man_facepalming:t2:🤣 I’m probably just in my head tho hahah I know change is good but it’s also scary very me cause im putting my trust in someone else I guess. lmao and I’ve followed him for awhile online and everyone loves the guy. I’ve seen his clients before and after and the post the make.
