SB Labs

My log. As of 3-19-2021 Xpliot

Haven’t updated in awhile so figured since I have some extra time this morning. I switched gyms yesterday to a 24/7 titan fitness. And it’s so much better then my crummy ghetto gym I was going to. And I can get here there by 3:10am and stay til 4:45am before I was only going from 4am til 4:45. They got so much more equipment too and none of its broken like at my old gym lol I’m sitting at 197lbs right now

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Alright fellas! Little update! Woke up at 194.8 this is middle of week 5 for me. Seems like I been stuck at 195lbs since Saturday. Thinking I might be stalking and have to add some cardio some how. Works still pretty easy. I don’t do anything but stand and spot for an operator so I don’t think I’m real king burning that many calories just standing around all day. Also don’t really want to have to drop my calories under 2100 but I’m not sure.

Not very good lol been going when I can. Beeen working a lot and kinda just figured fuck it and take a break for awhile. I’ve never taken a break in the year in 4 months I’ve been lifting so I’m kinda just enjoying getting a little fat and having some food in my life 🤣🤣 I’ll get an update pic sometime soon :muscle:t3:🤣
Little update pic. Kinda just been eating whatever and hitting the gym when ever I get the chance. Between working 12 hours and have to drive an hour 15 to work then again after it’s been rough. And decided my body need a break and mentally as well. Still look pretty decent I guess for getting chunky hahah normally I sit at 195. Now I’m sitting at 210.2 lbs

Also I’ve finally the last couple weeks found some ab stuff that I can actually feel and make that connection so hopefully that helps next year when I cut again. Ima just kinda relax and hit the gym as much as I can but worry a little less about getting abs and being obsessed with it 😭🤣🤣
Yeah lol I need a break tho I think… Kinda realized I might of been pretty obsessed with lifting hahah I traded drinking and partying and just started working out 🤣🤣
That will happen just took deload and I got three weeks of balls to wall then week off completely before meet I went out for birthday and another night during deload wont have any intoxicants till after meet then goig outbin Charleston with buddy

What’s up guys! Been a while. I still get on and read everyday and check up to see how everyone’s doing. Don’t have much time to hold a convo tho with how much I’ve been working. Lately haven’t even been taking lunches either. Been taking it easy the last couple weeks eatinv like garbage lol training when I can. but finally went to doctors for my shoulders. Turns out it’s not my shoulders at all lol it’s actually my bicep tendons. Will be getting a scan on the 18th and starting physical therapy. Right now I’m sitting at 212lbs. Hope everyone’s doing good and has had a good holiday!
Oh man. I honestly could lol never made this much money in my life. Hahah just bought an 86in tv and a sound system to treat myself. I’ve always had a 32in for the last 4 years. So now I got a movie theatre i the living room in my new place I moved into