SB Labs

Mystery of the swollen ankle


Anyone in here who’s used Primo ever notice swelling of the ankles, or even just one? My wife decided to compete again after taking a 5 year break from stage, we started her out on a low dose of Primo and for the last 3 weeks now she’s had one swollen ankle…
There was another dude recently showed us pics of one swollen lower leg I think and the other wasn’t, not sure if he was using primo (don’t think he was) but it is something she might want to have checked out…
That’s actually something that I haven’t experienced using primo. I definitely get sides but never experienced a swollen ankle.

No pain just swelling?

Any medical conditions that could cause swelling of the limbs and the primo might be causing it to act up?

The only thing that I can think of is that her body is releasing cortisol to relieve her joint possibly?Does it happen during her post workout?

Im really just throwing stones it could be alot of different things
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I pin her glutes, we’ve done her shoulders, but not often because it hurts too bad she claims… as far as medical conditions, I’m not 100% sure, she’s had some issues with hypertension and high cholesterol, but according to her doctors during her most recent yearly check up, there’s nothing to be concerned with there… Any other medical condition could be a possibility in her head though, she’s the worlds biggest hypochondriac, she gets on web md and google and all the sudden she’s got every ailment known to man. I appreciate everyone chiming in, ill watch her ankle this week and force her to go to a doctor if it doesn’t get better
Is it isolated to her ankle or does the swelling appear above the ankle as well? It could be minor like a shin splint, small fracture etc or it could be much worse, like a blood clot. She needs to get into the doctor
Yeah, just her left ankle. We just did stroke detection plus and were tested for blood clots and all that less than a month ago, she was on anavar then. I would hope she hasn’t developed one in that time??!! She was horsing around with our grandson 3 weeks ago and said her ankle popped funny, but the swelling didn’t come on until last Monday, not sure it would’ve waited 2 weeks to swell if it had been that??
Well the popping thing and her swollen ankle, at this point in time, point to going to see doc