Neuro cruise and longevity

When you were pinning e3d what ester were you on? I was doing that with 100mg C but I had to start doing e4d because over the course 8 weeks or so my levels which are typically around 720-870 climbed to 1200. On pharmaceutical, so I know the consistency was there.
Oh. Well then that makes sense. By sticking with 100mg e3d you increased your dose. So your levels went up.

Did you feel bad at 1200? That’s generally where I want to stay on trt.
I was cyp 125 e3d until a couple of months ago. Due to medical issues and being poked, prodded, stuck, fondled, scanned etc… I opened mine up to e4d just to reduce frequency of pinning.

I’m currently readdressing everything beings it appears I’m good to go.
Sorry for being kind of absent. The wife and I have both been getting the shit kicked out of us at work. Covid is kicking ass here. Been trying to be unplugged to stay mentally healthy etc.


Worked out legs for the first time in a couple weeks after tweaking my knee, felt good, kelts the weights light to ease back in. Not that I gave them a true break. Snowboarding is an all day quad and hammy workout.

Took a gnarly spill on the mountain and my elbow is acting up again… it’s clear I’m not 22 anymore 😂😂

236 on the scale at the gym, 243 on the scale at work.

Very pleased with 40 mg of telmisartan and the way I feel.
I’ve got to get my ass off the fence and get on the damn Telmisartan. Haven’t pulled the trigger, because I was waiting on new Life Insurance Policy underwriting and physicals, so they kind of frown upon heart medications in your file. You can be on them, but holy shit are the premiums high. Wife is a Financial Advisor (CFP) for a living, so retirement plans, investments, and life insurance are all super important.
I feel your pain…I’m basically uninsurable now. They’ll write a policy but the premiums are off the charts.

Lesson #42 for you younger folks…taking care of yourself at a younger age will lead to cheaper life insurance rates as you age. My term policy i carried thru into retirement has depreciated so much that once was a half million dollar payout will buy pizza and booze for the big after funeral party now.