SB Labs

Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

I definitely have gas in the tank for the first couple sets. But I’m gassed by the last couple sets.

I could definitely up the reps in my first one or two sets of each exercise… I’m one of those people that tends to push too hard, I find that if I leave extra in the tank on sets 1,2 I prevent myself from going to far in the later sets. I’m like 99% sure it’s just a mental thing that I’ve convinced myself of BUT it’s worked for me.

When I train closure to failure on initial sets is when I’ve usually ended up hurting something or being in pain the next day rather than soreness.
That’s probably because your warming up those muscles and pumping blood into them. What I’ve learned from a great source is with my areas prone to injury feeder sets and pumping blood into them relieves a lot of the pain.
Monday Upper:

10min incline walk

High incline DB bench: 15,15,12,12,10,8
Flat DB bench: 15,12,12,12,10
Pec Dec: 12,12,12,12,10,10

Single arm cable triceps: 15,15,15,12,10,10
Cable Lateral Raise: 15,15,15,12
Chest supported Lateral Raise; 12,12,10,10

Chest supported DB row: 18,15,15,12,12
Neutral grip pull down: 12,12,12,10,10

Tuesday Lowerz:

The plan

15min incline walk
10 min reverse walk

Hip/spine/ankle mobility

Kettlebell core

Lying leg curls
Kneeling leg curls

Hack squat
Single leg extensions

Bulgarian split (quad focusx2) )(Glute focusx3)

Walking lunge

Preworkout pancakes alway make for a fun leg day!


Hip/spine/ankle mobility
Foot drills

15min incline walk
10 min reverse walk

SLDL: 12,12,10,10
Lying leg curl: 15,15,14,12,12
Glute ham Bulgarian: 12,12,12,10,10

Hack Squat: 12,12,12,10
Single leg extension: 10,10,10,10,10 (1 + 1/4 reps on left leg)
Lunges: 20,20
Short step lunges: 20,20


Kettlebell core

Walk out of gym and don’t fall over.
Haha I could have. Decided against it last minute. Wasn’t fun anymore. But they are definitely a mess. There’s no doubt about that!
Legs today

15 min incline walk
10 min reverse walk

Hip/spine/ ankle mobility
Foot drills

Kneeling leg curl: 15,15,12,12
Seated leg curl: 15,15,15,12,10

Hack squat: 15,15,14,12,12
Leg extension single leg: 12,12,12,12
Bulgarian: quad focus 15,15,12 glute focus 12,12,10

Short lunge: 20,20

Calves 15,15,15,12

Shrugs: 15,15,12,10
Upper pull focus

10 min incline treadmill

T-spine/ hip mobility

Chest supported DB rows: 12,12,10,10,8
Neutral grip pull downs: 15,15,12,12,10
T bar: 15,14,12,12, 10
Preacher curls: 15,15,15,12,12,

Low incline DB: 12,12,12,10,10
High incline DB: 12,12,10,10

Single arm cable triceps: 15,15,12,12,10,10
Chest supported lateral raise: 12,12,12,10,8
Cable lateral raise: 10,10,10,10

Kettle bell core
Been so crazy busy at work, between summer drunk accidents and new grads that I’ve barely been able to eat most nights.

I end the weekend at 225-228lbs. Back up to 235 lbs by Friday. Repeat.

I’m totally aware it’s water weights and some real weight etc. it’s just been frustrating having three days of very minimal input, 4 days of eating as much as possible. And stuck in the cycle. I’ll figure it out I’m sure. Get these new grads down the road a little and maybe I won’t have to babysit so intensely.

Training is much the same.

Legs today.

Plan is:

Seated Leg curl
Glute ham Focus Bulgarian

Hack squat
Single leg extension



Try not to cramp while driving home.
Been a crazy two weeks.

Took the last week off for the most part. Was starting to get aches and pains so just took some walks during the day and only trained legs once last week.

Brought my stuff to CO to get back in the pool for cardio. Here’s to feeling like drowning for a month before it starts to get easier!

Will resume normal training on Monday, with swimming after.