SB Labs

Pinning sites and protocal


Well-known member
hey brothers and sisters. ,
im in this i think 6 years. , shit i remember my first pin. i was getting those 16 gage 5cc horse needles from agway. lol. but. i currently got 8 sites.,delts , glutes , and quads. …this run im finially going to pin pecs. …i been putting it off but its one of the most eaisest muscle to hit. …
see i only run shorts ,i even cruise on shorts…
so i need many. … how many sites you have and where ???
I have two areas in each quad, but the left quad is weird, the needle moves to an almost parallel orientation. I hit the VL, and rectus femoris. For glutes, i hit VG, and a couple spots in the GM. I have a hard time hitting delts; pecs get in the way. I can kind of hit the anterior delt. Pecs i do only on an as needed basis. Its just freaky. Ive done it a few times just to do it. Its breezy but weird.
I usually only go with glutes, quads, and delts. But I can do chest, bis, tris, and calves if I’m running short esters or preworkouts. Though I’ll stick to my long esters. 🙂
I can never seem to pin VG correctly…
I always get unbearable pip
I think i just pin the wrong place haha
I rotate quads, glutes, shoulders

Never done chest, lats, traps, calves, bis tris
Im a big poon
I like rear delts too and lars during prep just to give other areas a rest
I’ll never pin quads again after I had my whole leg go numb from my upper thigh to knee for months. From a small ass injection with a skin pin. Never felt any pain or a twitch, nothing! Just boom few hours later all numb. Thought it was like that for life. Had almost forgot about then bam one day I was like “oh I can feel my leg again” lolol fuck that. Was some scary shit.
personally i like the 20 g to draw it does tha same job. less damage on stopper , and i also pin wirh a 1" 25. everywhere.
i draw with the 18 gauge and pin with 23 1 inch…just quads alternare…clean top of bottle some times but not always…i should always though.
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