SB Labs

PIP post injection pain After Cardio?

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Sorry guys don’t mean to be a noob here lol, couldn’t find much under the search bar. I know I’ll be fine Just curious if anyone’s ever Done some intense cardio on injection day and had increased pain / soreness? Maybe I missed the thread that said dont use said body part the day you pin it? lol.

Pinned the Outer Part on the right side of my right quad this morning no prob, warmed up my test And used some alcohol pads to clean the area, massaged, no redness or swelling. Later in the day had a little bit of soreness not that bad. Walking running fine. Played basketball for cardio today and the more I ran the tighter and tighter my thigh started feeling. When I fully cooled down holy hell my leg was hurting 10x more.

Not a big deal but I’ll make sure to not pin my thigh and get some intense cardio in on the same day?..
Was it your first time pinning there? I pinned 2ml last night in my delt and went straight to the gym for back and shoulders with no issues.
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First time I pinned in my quad I could barely walk for a week. I think I went way to deep and perhaps the wrong area, I was also using a strong compound an multiple mls. Needless to say I don’t pinn there anymore, there’s 6 other places I can pinn😉
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I was told never to inject anywhere in thigh other than middle third. I stretch my hands from my crotch and the other from my knee showing me aprox the middle third. I have more success on the top verse the side. I feel it going through different tissue on the side maybe where tendons attach. The closer you are to the joint the more tendon is there. Just think about butchering a deer. All the silver skin is near the tops and bottom of muscles. I have hit veins or arteries once in my leg and it was a side injections. Lots of big veins and arteries in legs so make sure you pull back on the plunger to make sure no blood come into syringe. You don’t have to pull back very hard.
Thanks brother, I definitely went smack in the middle of the vastus laterus, I’ve got decent sized legs didn’t think I could screw it up lol. I actually just watched a video that says that muscle is innervated by the femoral nerve like you said, maybe all the running aggravated the site idk. I’ll have to be extra careful next time if / when I pin.
Yeah it was… haha. Just did 1ml. Tried to be extra careful where and how I pinned it from watching intramuscular injection tutorials. Iced and used heating pad feeling a little better this morning. No swelling or redness. Maybe 2nd times a charm eh? lol.
Haven’t pinned anywhere but glutes. Will try delts soon though. Wanted them loom like they could hold a cc first Before trying
I have definitely kept track of we’re not to pin when I’ve done stupid things that have caused pain or just felt really weird with the needles going in. There a certain place is on my abdomen even with just using a half inch needle that when I do my GH it will make a bruise the size of a quarter every time lol I just stay away from that area for future
I also switched to 1 inch pins for my legs. I hit less nerves. When I put that 1.5 in there sometimes my muscle starts twitching. So weird to see your thigh thumping for now reason hahaha @CFIT
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