SB Labs

popular bodybuilding dot com forum is shut down


Staff member
Bodybuilding dot com has shut down their forum. It was never really what I liked but many new people found it obviously and it gave start to a few personalities online. The reasons shut down the forums was lack of engagement, spammers on the board and costs to keep it running.

Social media has made it harder on forums in recent years. I remember when talking about steroids on social media got you banned. Now it's everywhere and acceptable. But even when activity slows on posting, I can see when the members logging in, checking sales, or sending me emails asking about a sponsor order they made.

The one thing people need to remember is social media companies always complies with law enforcement so it's a risk for any source or person to go too detailed on there with orders or cycles.
I don’t really post anything other than tongue in cheek post about roids on socmed. I just say supplements and whatnot but never actually say what I’m using