SB Labs

Possible prolactin issue, not sure

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Right now I’m running:
600 Test C
700 NPP
900 EQ
HGH 4iu daily
Adex 1 mg twice weekly
(Edit to add) - last week of Sdrol 20mg/ed

Just had labs done, and estrogen is in range, but for a few weeks my nips have been sensitive, almost painful if pressed right, and I can’t tell for sure, but I think I feel a small buildup behind both. I have caber, never needed it, but I’m wondering if anybody has had prolactin issues on a cycle like this, and if I should start the caber. I just messaged my doc and let him know that I’d like to run a panel next week to include prolactin as well.
Should I wait for those test results?
I’ve never dealt with this issue before, so pretty clueless, any advice would be much appreciated.
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I agree with sig don’t change if your getting bloods
That way you know what it is and can fix in future my nipples get hard and sensitive on cycle like rubbing shirt hurts then working outside and sweating make it worse is it dead nuts on nipple or kinda around the side of your Areola?
I agree with the wait mentality. Waiting will give you an accurate picture. GH spikes my prolactin pretty hard unfortunately, plus the NPP, prolactin is a likely culprit. Wear loose shirts and avoid rubbing them bc of the discomfort.

Once you get those labs you can see for certain.
@BrandonIron Any 19nor compounds are going to draw up higher prolactin numbers. Please obtain blood work soon to identify the issue as everyone has said vs treating side effects.

But if my knowledge serves me well you will need to to start caber at 1mg 2x weekly for week one back down to .25mg 2x weekly moving forward through your cycle. you may also low dose nolvadex at the same time at 10mg daily to reduce the breast tissue you may have gained.

@NeuroRN you are correct on the HGH(191) as it effects the pituitary gland the same as prolactin and most people running HGH tend to not even understand that. Very good call out and information.
I learned the hard way unfortunately, and recently! Trying make it more known for folks around here that it may be the source. While taking only GH for several months my prolactin was 23ng/mL (4-15 normal range). Just trying to add what I know when it’s helpful!
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