Push50's "The Provider" Meditrope Log

Been a long week already it seems like. I’m going to add in 50mg/day of winstrol in to my gear. Also looking at changing up my workout routine and going to a push, pull, off, legs, off schedule. Haven’t ran my 7 point yet, Ill try to get it done by the weekend. Just currently swamped at work.

Did a push routine this am and it felt good. I’m going to evaluate my meals and all tonight and will report tomorrow what I am going to do for the next 6 weeks to finish out this run.
I was considering changing up my workout routine and took it under advisement. I have decided that I am going to continue for the next 6 weeks with the current routine. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

Wednesday - Shoulders, Traps, Abs, Obliques
Shoulder barbell press - 110@ 12,10,8,8
Lat Pushdown -70@12,10,8,8
Side Lateral Raises - 20@12,10,8,8
Front Lateral Raises - 45@12,10,8,8
Leaning Cable raises - 20@12,10,8,8
Upright Rows - 95@12,10,8,8
Shoulder Shrugs - up-95@12,10,8,8
Leg Raises - 2 sets of 25 reps
Rocky 4’s 5 sets 7
knee raise with twist on power tower @4x20
Cable twists – 30 @4x20
Wood Choppers - ez bar- @4x20 each side

Meal 1
1.5 cups egg whites
50 GM cream of rice

Meal 2
P - Shake 50gm/Protein

Meal 3
3 oz lean protein
1.5-2 cups veggies

Meal 4
3 oz lean protein
1.5 - 2 cups veggies

Meal 5
Whatever the wife fixes.

Meal 6
P - Shake 50 gm protein
2 tbls natural peanut butter

Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg QD-Cholesterol/Never Pain
Vanadyl Sulfate 10mg/QD-Insulin Resistance Reduction
E- 180 mg QD
Potassium - 99mg m/w/f
B-12- 1000mg s/t/t/s
Magnesium- 400mg m/w/f
CQ10- 100mg qd
Omega 3,6,9-1600mg qd
Calcium- 600mg s/t/th
Vit. D3-500IU-m/w/f
NAC 600mg/QD
Milk Thistle 175mg/qd
MACA 500mg/QD
Chromium 500 mcg m/w/f
Turmeric/curcumin 1500mg QD
DHEA 50 mg QD
Liver cleanse-QD
Prostate Control- QD
Vit C—500 mg/ Zinc

Gear will remain the same:
Test 600/week
Tren 400/week
NPP 300/week
Winny 50/day
Meditrope HGH 5Iu/Day
I said to my self today! Self!! Your calves are almost as wide as your quads and that is really messed up!!!
SO I have decides that I am going to work on my quads 3 days a week for the next six weeks to see if I can get some more sized on them. My leg workout has been running like this:

Thursday - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
Smith Wide Stance-toes direction of knees 170@10,10,10
Barbell Squat – 170 @10,10,10
Hack Squat w/Smith Machine 110@10,10,10
Standing Calf Raise -170@12,10,8,8
*1 Leg Curls -75@12,10,8,8
*1 Leg Extension - 75@12,10,8,8
Walking Lunge - 4 sets of 20
Bulgarian Split Squat-body weight
Straight Leg Dead’s - 80@12,10,8,8

I have been running calves but I will drop the toe raises. I have been doing straight, toes in and toes out, all at 12,10,8,8 with the same weight. I think ill be alright if I drop them.
Diet is running the same, gets a little boring occasionally but absolutely doable. Gear hasn’t change except the addition of the winny.
The Meditrope is kicking ass and I expect to start seeing some changes from the winny in a couple weeks.

Mood is great, no deep desire to rip anyone’s head off and shit down their neck, that’s always good. Mentally, I feel like my thought process is a little clearer and problem solving cant hold a candle to me. When studying a new process or specification it seems like I am retaining more then before I started the HGH, even through just one practice run or reading. In my line of business that’s great because it changes constantly. Over all I just feel better, blood pressure is actually lower and so is my blood sugar. The blood sugar drop is what surprised me. Maybe its due to the decreased calories and carbs.


Friday - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms
Dumbbell Hammer-slow eccentric 35@12,10,8,8
Rope Hammer-hold peak every rep 90@12,10,8,8
Cable Reverse Curl- forearms parallel to floor hold peak slow eccentric 70@12,10,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer seated hold peak 30@12,10,8,8
Zotman Curl 25@12,10,8,8
EZ bar revers w/ normal tempo 65@12,10,8,8
Dumbbell reverse seated slow eccentric 20 @5x10
Incline Curls - 25@12,10,8,8
Forced Rep Preacher Curls -50@ 4 sets to failure

Long Head
Closed bench 120@12,10,8,8
Skull Crushers 65@12,10,8,8
Kickbacks 35@12,10,8,8
Lateral Head
rope push down -rope apart pronated 70@12,10,8,8
Diamond push-up 4x20
Medical head
Rope push down l down- supinated 50@12,10,8,8
Underhanded Bench 120@12,10,8,8

Incline Crunches - 4 sets of 15 reps
Seated Leg Pull-Ins - 4 sets of 15 reps
Twists -5@20x10 High/Low pulley
Rocky 4’s - 4x7
Wood Choppers- 15@4x10

Cardio on treadmill
4 mph at 10% for 45 minutes
Diet is still the same and on track. I will start incorporating more carbs next week.

Meditrope HGH 5 iU
Tren E –200 mg
Test E - 200 mg
Winny 50mg