SB Labs

Road to Two and Quarter. 1 Goal: Bench Four Plates

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I bet brother reaching goals is big take a victory lap and plan the next step.
I look forward to seeing you crush that also brother
I have been thinking about this. I put up 225 x2 reps now so I am good to go there. I think cutting my abs is my next goal. I want to be able to take off my shirt while boating and not have everyone throw up!
Thanks for checking in with me! 🙂
I got sexy worms in my arms!
Poppy said:
Hahaha for me…225 came relatively easy… it was 315 for bench and 405 squat that seemed to take years.
Same here. Getting 315 on bench on 405 on each of squat and dead is seeming to take a lot longer than getting to, say, 275 on bench and 315 on each of squat and dead.
Took forever to bench 275…stuck forever there then when I finally hit 315… went up relatively quickish…bout the same thing with squats and 405.
Right now, counting calories and eating pretty clean. A little more cardio. I am doing side-straddle-hops (50) before each set. So my routine looks like this:
50 SSH
12 bench
50 ab moves

Also, I am looking at Helios. Doing some reading up on that.
There’s a handful of guys that have dabbled in that stuff here.
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