Rusty gonna have best cycle ever

Diet via MyFitnessPal. Look
At empty image and that has daily starting point. What is left at end of macros
Is where I ended.



@Poppy @JB_rD81 it can become very difficult during the day to plug in everything I eat. And many times distractions get in the way. But when I really want to see a difference and utilize this tool I seem to find time rather than excuses. Even if it means sitting down after dinner and going through the day in my head. When I have used this in the past I have seen the most dramatic improvements.
@Bigmurph how do the calories and macros look for a guy who weighs 245 and bf aprx 19%. For a recomp? I came up with it based off a bmr calculation.
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@Rusty , I enter my breakfast, lunch and snacks in the morning when I’m getting ready for work. I get up at 4 am like clockwork, drink coffee and am wide awake by 4:30. I prep all my food for the day then. I also do 98% of all the cooking in my house, so when I’m cooking dinner I’ll enter my last meal and any other snacks.
You think you burn 3500+ calories a
Day? I think you are about to be in a caloric excess. I’m 240 and leaner than 19%, and I’m eating 1000 less cals a day than that, I’m cutting right now, but that’s your goal too.
@NeuroRN darn kids and your 20-20 vision…probably got a full head of hair too! Hahaha.

@Rusty I didnt expand the graphics. That might be high if your trying to lose bf. that’s a bunch of carbs. Maybe start lower and add in.
Ya I wanna recomp. I was using a formula I found on bodybuilding com Glad you said something. So I should shoot for 2500 per day?
You will have to pay close attention. You will probably have to go lower than than you be honest. So my starting cut macros: 240p (these have stayed the same) 60g fat (now you to 70 will go up to 80 by the end)300g of carbs. I just sent two week at 240p 80f 100, 80c it was awful and I was mean to everyone so bumped my carbs back up.

Those numbers are coming from RP diet app. Their results speak for themselves.

I would steadily drop carbs throughout your cycle if you’re doing 8 weeks then just start carbs at 100 a day.
Thanks for all the good input guys. Gonna start out with @NeuroRN reccomwndations as we are close to same body weight although he is much leaner. I’ll keep an eye on things and adjust week to week.
Your probably right. I want to build as much muscle as possible while leaning out a bit. Not going for a full out cut cause I don’t think I would gain as much muscle as the gear allows. So I will definitely be making adjustments as I go. Probably start with less fats and more proteins. Which is gonna be a bitch I love my fats.