SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

Well it’s true. My wife knows everything but my kids are all athletes and the boy has been talking about steroids at the age of 15. I guess some kids at the school already use sarms so he is so interested. He knows about my TRT but I don’t know when is the right time to talk to him about gear. I don’t lie to him if he asks direct questions but he hasn’t yet. However I don’t want him to follow some dumbass highschool kid. It is a struggle for me.
Damn. That’s rough. It’s crazy how it makes its way to high school, I ran my first cycle at 17, coach said they were gonna test us so we all quit cold turkey. No pct nothing. What a disaster.

I admire your honesty policy. I don’t have kids, don’t plan on having any, but I think that’s what I needed when I was growing up.

From a nursing standpoint, I would just address the safety of it while he’s still so young. I’m not saying it wouldn’t have been fun to be 17 and running 500 of test playing football, but prefrontal cortex is still heavily under developed so the last thing it needs its hella high test.
Well seems all
Kids going D1 nowadays have extra help. The criteria for them as far as speed and strength is way beyond natural capabilities even D2 now. He is the fastest kid on the team and has the most sacks in 8th grade. But he is undersized doesn’t take after his father. He is starting as a freshman as place kicker and JV as QB. He has Straight A’s. He is all in with everything he does. I need advice good advice. I hate to see him get shorted because all kids have compound(not all kids but most that go to big schools) help and I am not a fan of sarms. But I seriously want to keep his health first. Again he is small for his age and takes after his mom. @Dirtnasty you know what I am talking about.
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What you talking bout hot I’m next door to ya I have to stand in that shit everyday brother can only imagine full gear again. Sweating balls
I ca only imagine Playy g ball now so easy to get shit. Hell I thought I was doing a big advantage when No2 came o it and I was using that. The sarms shit has exploded with the youth thinking it’s no big deal to use
They work I’ve used them but the long term effects aren’t known if you are going to mess wi th hormones use the more effective and researched products that are cheaper
Health is more important than getting an edge for high school sports. You say he’s undersized then his future is most likely not pro sportsWould stream clear of everything until fully an adult
I would lean more towards SARMs but I was doing pro hormones and everything else. So I can’t judge. Diet and lifting for now. What about like a test booster and creatine something like that.
Long term health is most important. Have you ever seen guys that played d1/pro ball in their 60’a? Most can barely walk. A scholarship would be amazing, yes. But he’s more likely to get an academic scholarship than a sports one,simply based off numbers.

From his perspective- high school and college seem like
The rest of his life. It’s such a small part of it. I had D1 offers but ended up having to quit all together bc of a brain malformation that ended up in surgery. At the
Time I was devastated. Crushed. A decade later? I don’t even think about it. And I had offers on the table!!

His health and well-being are way more important. A push in academics always pays dividend in my opinion. I’m not a parent so I won’t pretend to know your dilemma or understand your perspective. But this is what I think when I read that.
I wouldn’t risk heath for high school sports if your going pro scouts are already looking for colleges then maybe because your talking about the top % but that don’t seem right either but it’s the way of the world I can tell you killing your natural hormones is a bitch and to do it just for a letterman jacket no way