SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

Agree with John. Even on a super clean diet Dbol will cause water retention. I’ve heard that tbol is like a dry Dbol brother but I haven’t ran it
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Personally ive never gained any significant mass on tren! Maybe 15lbs on a ridiculously high dose over like 20 weeks, but I have really hard adding mass on tren! It kills my appetite and I just never have eaten enough to really bulk on tren! With that said tren changes the way I look every time I move lol… it hardens everything up, rounds everything out and I’ll get nice and vascular, even for a big guy! For adding mass I’m a huge fan of Npp, this winter I’m gonna give EQ and var a run!
I would also drop all my orals while running tren! Guys like us aren’t pros, we’re not competing… tren alone is gonna change you adding an oral is really overkill in my opinion! My views abound gear are slowly changing… I wanna be that old guy in the gym with great hair that still putting up like 225 for reps when I’m 70 lol… you’ve done fucking amazing brother and you should be proud as fuck…
Hoping to be down to 12 % BF by the time I run next cycle and want to add close to 20 pounds muscle if that’s possible. If I am not where I need to be by then I will have to rethink the cycle. Is 12% BF too high for Dbol
Thanks brother. That is a good goal you have. I would like that too except my hair is already gone. I wanna be a monster at least once in my life. But not to the point it’s gonna cause harm
Not at all brother, the higher bf you are the more the compound will aromatize, your likely to experience slightly more sides, and of course you’re gonna see less of a change! I would say youre in the 20-25% range, that’s too high, but 12% is fine! I’ve run cycles with dbol much higher than 12%!
I was 23 % a month ago and about 20 now I am guessing. Hoping to get to 15 or 16 with cycle I am on and when I cruise for two months wanna hit right diet and cardio. Don’t wanna lose gains but would like to lose another 3 or 4 percent BF on the cruise. Then start cycle with Dbol
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I am not the one that’s gonna say your bf is to high to run something,I just feel that if you get down to where you want to be at 12 then there are better things to use to then dbol to help keep you there, if you put on weight quickly your gonna get to your goal and then what gain water weight on dbol just to lose half your gains on dbol, I assume you want some definition with your big frame
Once you start to cruise, you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to drop fat! You’ve been pushing yourself in the gym and watching your diet already! Once you make the switch and decide to focus all of that determination on fat loss, you’ll be surprised to see how your body responds!
You should consider EQ 400-600mg/week, Anavar 50mg/daily, Test 300-400mg/wk. I’m going to be running a similar cycle this winter, this isn’t typically regarded as a bulking cycle but you can expect quality lean gains, plus considering how mild these compounds are I’m hoping to feel nice and healthy and keep all my labs in range!
If I had your size I would cut up and lean out then on the next cycle gain more mass I think it’s already been said. Don’t get to greedy brother it’s going to take time, I figure at least a year or two before I’m where I want to be lol
For what your looking for scrap the dbol anavar or maybe winstrol if you absolutely want an oral dbol is gonna be water weight and it will make you feel like your going backwards trust me on that boss been there done that for that goal sustanon and eq will be perfect for that specially with the gh and I am 100% with @McSwickles my weight doesn’t change a lot on tren but my body composition does for mass deca will blow trens door off in my body for one hella recomp however tren. Is king for me
@Rusty there are so many routes to take for Recomp/Mass building. I am going to highlight a great cycle below to really push size yet drive down body fat and keep water retention a little lower. This is also going to drive good volume to your cellular tissue and increase red blood cells SO YOU MUST DONATE BLOOD!

16 Week Recomp Program
Test Ent- .50cc 2x weekly
Mast Ent- .50cc 2x weekly
Sustanon- 1cc 2x weekly
EQ- 1cc 2x weekly
Arimdex- .25mg 2x weekly
Proviron- 25mg AM and 25mg PM
^^ The above is Weeks 1-16

Tbol- 25mg AM and 25mg PM
^^ The above is Weeks 1-5

Now this is a mild aggressive cycle and im going to highly advise the following below…
1.) Blood work prior, blood work week 6 and blood work 2 weeks after conclusion of cycle.
2.) A good diet in place- to recomp you are going to need 1.50gram of protein per lb of lean body mass and we can fine tune the carbs and fats as needed.
3.) OTC supplements- Liver pill, BCAA, Whey iso, EFA’s and a multi vitamin(liquid).

As always best and very proud of where you have came in a short amount of time!