SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

Dirt you are a bad asss mofo. Just stay alive brotha. Fuck sake man!!! Your one of my favorites I hate to hear taking big chances. I am really drunk now don’t know if I am making sense. Gonna just go back to sleep
Just make sure you take care of tendons and joints on your journey to the heavy weights. It’s funny I think my squat is so light but everybody at gym sees four plates on the bar and they get impressed. It’s hard to find a spot there for my bench as they don’t think if I fail they can help pull it up. I guess it makes me get the rep or know when to stop 1 short so not all bad
Ya your putting up big numbers on your bench. My shoulders don’t handle heavy bench weights well. But they are getting better. That NPP helped
A lot. If I can get up to 400 by end of year I will happy. Doing 250 on bench now. Do
You think it’s realistic to get to 400 by January with the help of gear obviously
So the npp definitely helps your joints but it helps by pushing water into your joints. This gives you the ability to push the heavy weight and not feel the pain. The pain is still there though and when you come off the gear you’re really going to feel it again so I would be careful as @Dirtnasty was saying with taking care of your joints and tendons.
Your goals are always achievable but is it healthy for your body to double the weight you lift by January?
I can’t answer that question but you know how you feel and listen to your body. If you start to have problems while you are taking the npp then that would be a big warning to stop. I ruptured my bicep it took away from me the ability to lift heavy like 400lbs on bench. I could never get close to that nowadays I know lifting heavy is what all of us love and like to achieve just keep in mind that you are building alot of muscle especially using nandrolone. So your joints and tendons are under pressure all the time because there not used to being stretched and stressed at the level you are at they are probably still where you were when you started your cycle.

Be safe brother I enjoy following your log I don’t want to see you catch an injury. You’re doing great keep killing it
I will pay attention to my body. It’s hard though because I am not use to building my strength as fast as I am right now. I have no experience with this. I guess I would rather be healthy then injured. I’m 44 it’s not like I am gonna be competing. Just really want tha 400 bench. I use to rep with 300 on bench sets of 8. That was five years ago
So your body has memory from when you were at that level. Hit 300 and also make sure your form is still good and keep going you can achieve anything that you want just possibly more time. Push your self don’t hurt yourself brother.

Keep killing it
Me and my wife’s first date ever was to the strip club. When we walked through the door one of the strippers came up and gave me a hug asked me how I was doing and stuff I knew her from life not the strip club and she was like how did she know your name Good times hell we been married for ten years
@Bigmurph I can’t get ugmuscle to show me my notifications anymore. I click the Icon and it tries to
Open but then the little thinking circle
Just goes around and around. Something up
With the website?