SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

@Rusty @BigSwole69 @Dmomuchole try to open the browser the app was pushed from. Clear all the browser cookies and try again. If you clear it right it should log you out and the log back in. Nothing in update affects that. I’m using 3 devices and no issues across any of them.
Burning th midnight oil @TG. I can’t sleep for shit tonight. Up every two hours. Said screw it and made a meal. Sometimes that helps. I like your Trump sign. You know I was watching some stuff from the Democratic convention yesterday and man are they really reaching far. There is no way with those candidates they can win. Without cheating it just isn’t gonna happen.
Try a different browser. Try brave browser on iPhone. I know iPhone sucks cause they never fully let you delete everything. I have 3 androids and no problems on either. Even logging into new browsers it works just fine.
I do believe that it is an iPhone issue every one so far has been using an iPhone if this is incorrect please let me know because I believe that safari is the issue.
After that update you will probably start having issues.
Were working to clear this issue up but all signs lead back to a problem with iPhone.
Both and after you enable the notifications on the site then you have to clear cookies and browser and log back in
Im being told that if this is done it should fix the issue.
Thanks so much I was definitely not getting the whole ug experience I was getting a little depressed lol now I can reply back to you guys and see who’s liking my stuff hahaha thundercockwas getting hot
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