SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

Ya me too. I never stuck with a program long. Six months on six months off most my adult life. But at my age now 44. I need to make a permanent life style change or it’s gonna be too late really fast. I don’t want to miss my last opportunity to get swole. Back in my days of amateur league soccer and college football I did fine just on my natural God given athleticism. Well those days are long gone.

As far as squats go I never killed it either but I can tell you one thing when I squat my ass is about 12 inches from the floor without my knees going past my toes. Most guys I see in the gym putting up big weights on squats don’t get their ass down very far. Most guys can’t get their ass near the floor with half the weight they have on. Most guys not all.
I go slightly below parallel. Ankle doesn’t reality let me tho super deep I also use a Darryl wide stance
Slow parallel is good. Like I said most guys I see don’t even get parallel do you do the wide stance cause your belly gets in the way? That’s why I do it. Hoping to fix that problem eventually but right now just enjoying the gains.
I love squats I wish I could do them like I used to my back limits me but I still go down to parallel I can’t stand to see people pushing heavy ass weight about two inches I would rather do the bar the right way than 500lbs the wrong way
My wife loves jabbing me in the butt with a sharp object it’s easier to let her do it I can’t reach and my hands look like a vibrator plus she z tracks it for me to minimize leaks
Yes it is, I spent half my life tellin lies and shit, but my wife deserves better, so I hide nothin, and she know my past, life runs much smoother,and we’re the same way, we eat as much as I can kill n catch, plus the dogs live a thick chunk a fat off a deer, and whatever else I can cut off it.
Hell yes. Our wives deserve it. And hahahahaha @Outlawthing it is what it looks like. Why do you think I don’t have an old man flat ass anymore!!!

My dogs love the bones and all the cartilage and ligaments. Except one time the lost a bone under the couch and I didn’t find it until a while later. Was pretty gross.


Leg day. You see @Dirtnasty I don’t use heavy weights on squats but I get as low as I can.
Also did abs forgot to write it down