SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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Mannnnnn I’m ready to pull the trigger on this one!!!
Proliferate Iron Man GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨
So I haven’t exactly been hitting one g yet… It’s been 750 because I wanted to get rid of the short esters which I have. This week will be the start of 1g . Which is perfect… New month. New dosage… I have one more pin of another sponsor’s gear then it’s off to Platinum…
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Not fucking happening. Back pump isway to severe for anything. Dropping the drol until I get some taurine. They’ve been bad last four days… And today is fuckin crucial. Rest day and waste gas in my car day …SHIT!!
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I found that I also needed magnesium to get rid of those pumps. I take 1 gram magnesium and 1-2 grams Taurine 3 times a day. If I’m using anavar or Anadrol I take 2 grams Taurine each time. If I’m only on injectables I stick to 1 gram each time.
Tennnnnnnnnnnn 4… I do take a magnesium supplement already with my other vitamins. And that oral really gets my ass. Must be the increase in test. Before a bombs was nothing. I can feel the back pump just standing or sitting in the car on the way to the gym. Thanks for telling me what dosage works for you. That’ll give me a round about where to start. 6gs of taurine…
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Ripgut said:
Just ummmmm supply wise
So I ummmmm jus found two more boxes of pins I didn’t know I had … 27g 1/2s… I going to practice my bis with those and see if they get used to it like my pecs did. Pecs are definitely my most painless. I believe bis were too but the follow days after were no bueno… Here’s to 210 fellas…
Ripgut said:
Back pump isway to severe for anything. Dropping the drol until I get some taurine
Sooooo went for legs again today. Back pump a lot better without the drol… Wicked leg pump squatting just 115… Kept it super light to keep the pump from pumping 🤣… One set of Romanian deadlifts was good enough for me to finish the leg workout and go to Calves… First pin of 500 was Sunday morn… Second will be wed night…just cruising 🤫😏…diets been pretty clean… All I have in my house is chicken rice. Milk eggs oatmeal…water… and one Red Baron supreme Pizza…🙌… oh and grits and bananas…and peanut butter… it’s when I hang with my chick I start fucking up… We’re Pepsi drinkers you see…
SOOOOO my doctor asked what y’all been asking periodically. And that’s what are my goals here. And I guess I never really have your straight answer for y’all but when she asked I was on the spot and probably came up with the most honest answer I could give and that was SKYS THE LIMIT…word for word. The bigger I get the more shit I’m going to inject. More muscle volume more gear volume. UNTIL THE TESTING you do on me shows otherwise… And shit starts going in the yellow zone… Red zone whatever… Than Ill start backing off… And no I don’t want to go in the red zone . Yellow good enough… Blood pressure was good today. Will get my bloods done next week because the lady is out for the week. Getting my test and estrogen liver kidneys and heart… Excetra…
Finally opened up a test vial of platinum. Too bad it wasn’t a real Platinum pin because half of it was GC 🤣🤣… with that being said all my GC test is gone and will be running straight Platinum starting Sunday. I put my 1G in for the week
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