SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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Dirtnasty said:
You are on tren currently correct. I’m sure that’s not helping with sleep.
And honestly I don’t think I’ve ever really had that problem. I did think the tren was giving me more lucid dreams but I forgot that I was smoking weed because I naturally had frequent dreams which a couple of us talked about in another post.
Said screw the sleep pills last night. And I believe I got like 4 hours of straight sleep which made me really happy. Like some big accomplishment right?. Of course I could not fall back asleep I decided to take a 100mg dose. Which maybe gave me an extra hour. I should have said screw it and just been satisfied with the 4 hours. Felt more awake after the four than the one with the pills. Just feel a little different. So I can’t tell if it’s the depression or sleep aid.
Thanks man I’ve been trying to. Strength is still there. Endurance is crappy. You got a decent body JJ . You just keep some friends with benefits on the side or what?
Far as endurance. It’s just a little harder to breathe. Even sitting down resting. I tack that on more towards my situation more than lack of sleep. Definitely done with those pills though. They haven’t done nothing but give me dry throat. And probably add to the feeling of me feeling weird. One weirdness is enough I don’t need to double up on it.
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Ya they sucked for me. My doctor said they don’t prescribe it for anything but sleep issues. My information about it being an antidepressant/sedative is just what I’ve read on the web. Your right they do help you fall asleep but they don’t keep you asleep
First full pin with platinum. Last pin was a mix with the last little bit of test I had from another sponsor. My delts always takes gear fine. So I will find out how smooth it really is when I go to a sensitive spot which will be my calf wed night.
So I pinned my calf earlier this evening we’ll see what she looks like tomorrow. . I always have some kind of red blemish in the calf area either the next day or the following day after. Mild soreness. We’ll see…
So obviously I haven’t been real active lately for one reason. I apologize for that y’all. Life does it… Literally.
So after about 12 or 13 days I finally got some sleep last night maybe 6 hours. I have also lost weight even though I’m still eating like I’m supposed to. Maybe 8 pounds or so. Strength gains are massive with this one G a week shit. I imagine how strong I could be if I was just a little more mentally stable. Fuck my bench I threw on an extra 50. Some machines I’m adding an extra 30. Definitely getting a different pump. No pwo. Got my labs drawn today. Fuckin 14 hour fast. Oh and my deadlift another 50. Only adding what feels comfortable. I am surprised though because it’s not fully in me to lift right now but dammit if it’s there. It’s just not feeling as good as it should. But it will in a week I hope as this event in my life passes and sleep resides…BTw that calve pin. No redness and no weird gear movement. Like if I pin here and it seems to settle over there type shit. Definitely the smoothest pin I’ve had. So smooth I’m going to start pinning biceps and see what’s up. I’ll still probably be MIA some. Just touching bases fellas thanks…
Ripgut said:
I have also lost weight even though I’m still eating like I’m supposed to.
Youre going to be losing more fat. Make sure you are still taking in enough macros to build muscle.

Like @rdm said also make sure your joiints can catch up to the heavier weights. Otherwise your going to start having some pains and worse case will have some tears on tendons. Have some good wraps when needed to support them.

Use some melatonin if you need to sleep more. If its the nightsweats then make it more comfortable. sleeping on top of blanket helps me and taking a cool shower before bed.

keep your head up brother
TG said:
Youre going to be losing more fat. Make sure you are still taking in enough macros to build muscle.
Thanks. I’ll keep a mindful eye on it. (Macros) Just running 1g of test right now. Waiting for labs. You don’t think I’m on tren right now do you? I attribute the weight loss to the depression but either way I guess it could be because of the up in test. Slept another decent night. Melatonin don’t do shit. Im maintaining best I can brother thanks. Keeping my head up best I can as well. Fucked up scenario for sure. Definitely would rather have a restless night from gear than someone sneaking behind your back…
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