SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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You pinned calves? I’ve been thinking about hitting my pecs. My traps are super easy to pin. Traps and delts are my easiest. Also been thinking about quads but I’ve been sketchy with quads.
Pecs is definitely my easiest. Calves ain’t too bad just more nerve proun. Biceps are easy just bad pip afterwards for me. Delts I like but really have to stretch to reach over there. Traps ain’t too bad… But my hand is always blocking the mirror so I can’t see how fast I’m injecting…my Tris don’t like it either… But with how smooth Platinum is per @johnjuanb1 I just have to check it out again
I have not slept in 3 days probably going on four now. Still eating at least four meals and drinking plenty of water. No it is not the gear my old girl cheated on me 3 days ago so obviously the reason for my restless nights. Also I’m still hitting the gym. Haven’t ran to the bottle like I usually do… My last hiatus from here was because of it…Just restless with the bullshit hand she dealt me so obviously my thoughts are running rampant… Just hoping to get a healthy sleep pattern back
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Man that sucks. You are on tren currently correct. I’m sure that’s not helping with sleep. Did you catch her I. The act or did she tell you
I’m just on test. Shell pulled that I want to date other people and less than 24 hours has her panties drop. Obviously there’s plotting and ploying going on. Just some random dude at her job supposedly. That’s all I really care to say dawg… It’s been three days I need sleep. Definitely a no no for the heart…
I hear ya and have heard some about your history. I just don’t need my body making a bad decision. Just pissed off questions cloud my mind and they’ll never get answered. And that’s basically it. Having to mentally accept it all is the challenge. I am eating and drinking decent and I guess thats all I can do.
I got prescribed trazodone. Which is apparently an antidepressant and sedative for sleep. I asked for a sleeping pill and she gave me a make sure of both which is fine for me as of right now.
I’m glad you got your tren.
Women are God’s most beautiful creation but they have caused me more pain than I ever intended to experience. That sucks she betrayed you!
Be careful with the trazodone! I had a friend give me of his pills saying I would sleep great and I ending sleeping 16 hours and missed work. It was the dose his doctor gave him but it knocked me on my ass!
Keep training and do your best! There is a good woman out there for you. You’ll find her one day. Just survive this and try your best to stay positive!
Thank you j.j. I took 100mg at 11am… Got maybe an hour in of sleep. And that’s all I can get right now. I just woke up. Thank you for you kind words. I’m pretty much a loner so I have no one to hang with so I’m losing my mind in my apartment a little right now . Going to cook some chicken to keep my mind going…
Ripgut said:
So the doctor said they only prescribe that for sleep and nothing else. I read antidepressant sedative online so that’s what I figured it was. Staying eating and working out still. I’m assuming I’m losing weight because of the increase in heart rate with the lack of sleep. Probably the perfect time to start that telmisarton🙄… workouts ain’t the greatest right now obviously with the lack of sleep but it gets me out of this small apartment for a couple hours out the day.
I thought about getting some beer today not to get shit-faced drunk but just to help the time go by. But me and alcohol have a history and I didn’t want the confusion the next day with my head feeling funny of whether or not it was the depression or the beer. I’d rather wake up the next day and know my head is feeling funny because of the depression. I also don’t like taking the sleeping pills because of this same thing cuz I don’t know whether or not they make my head feel funny and obviously my head has been feeling funny for a couple of days. I will try the sleeping pills one more time tonight then after that they can just stay on the shelf for non depression sleepless nights possibly
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