SB Labs

Some excitement from last night

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
This accident started 200 ft up the street. Took out 3 cars and a building

They had a player hit. Mail truck going about 120 recently so I get my digs In
The driver will most likely die. Went into surgery last night. Haven’t heard anything
No they ripped the whole side of the car off them selves
Wow. That pretty crazy they ripped of half the car. Poor building and parked cars too!! Hopefully no bystanders got hurt.
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I don’t know how you guys can do that kind of stuff day in and day out but I’m glad you do. You have my appreciation and respect
Just had another where the giy was ejected outnof the car , he’s fucking hammered
That sucks he gonna wake up to some serious consequences and regrets. Is it true drunk people are less injured then sober people in accidents cause they don’t stuff in up
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