Sust and Enth peak and trough


ICU nurse/Moderator

Not clear where the program he uses is getting their half life numbers etc, but it’s still and interesting read. Crazy how big the projected difference between peak and trough can be.

Almost makes me want to find the cheapest at home test level kit and test levels on long Ester twice a week Pins.

I’ve also read Sust can wreak havoc on estro bc of the different rates of aromatization. On the other hand, @Optumpharma told me about a study where the use of sust with a long Ester decreased the need for an AI.

Sust is just a mystery to Me.
You pinned the ent eod as well? Did you require as much of an AI? Was there any noticeable physique or mentality/wellbeing changes?
I did. I wouldn’t say feeling wise no but gym and motivation where better to get shot done. As far as the ai just .5mg of arimidex twice a week some weeks I did forget though lol and nothing came up.
Very nice. That’s for the info sir! I’m more interested in this for trt purpose. If you can keep levels higher with the combo without an AI it would certainly be worth it.
The graph didn’t work for me as well. I did find it but it’s not an app. I can’t post a link but I found it by typing steroid plotter
So no one has had the sustanon creep up on you and then blam jack your shit up to where you wanna hump or fight everything you see good sust