SB Labs

Test EQ and deca cycle

I havent been eating enough the last couple days just 2 meals per day, i needed a bit of time off of eating and gym. Spent yesterady with a friend who is going to move to texas and drank with him most of the day and night it was fun, i dont drink much so i enjoyed it.
Today is working on a research design paper i dont like so im on here for a bit. LOL

Tomorrow i will start john meadows powerbuilding program.

Hope everyone is doing well and had a good weekend.
I skipped a meal today just did shake cause I didn’t train past too day not sure i need extra calories.
First week of Unity program is done by john meadows it is his powerbuilding program. I enjoyed it and feel it will progress me well for the next 9 weeks. on the max effort leg day, i had to quite early had to skip calves and abs due to my legs barely being able to walk after the bulgarian squats drop set of death. I did 8 reps @70lbs then hold in the middle for 8 secs, then dropped to 55lb 8 reps and hold 8 seconds, and lastly 40lbs for 8 reps and 8 sec hold. I pushed myself to finish, but after i felt like death, just laid on the floor for like 5 min then left. the rest of the workouts are good.

tomorrow will be my last EQ shot, and then i will keep deca at 300mg until i run out, maybe 3-4 weeks. Just to help my joints. I plan to up my test until i cant stand it any higher, maybe like @Dirtnasty 2g of test. We will see, i have plenty of aromasin( that is what im using currently). Then letro on hand if needed.

I have been using somalong for the 1.5 weeks. I like it been using 1.2ml every 5 days, as recommended by @OneQ. .1ml per 10kg of body weight i weigh around 120kg.

I feel like im leaning out a bit, and definetly more vascular from the EQ. I have var, and dbol on hand. I dont think i will run them though as progress has been good on my lifts. Food is around 4000-5000 calories per day, this week i have been trying a high carb(600g+) on training days if possible. on the max effort leg day i got in 1000g of carbs, but the next day i didn’t eat much.

This was kinda all over the place, but i wanted to give a solid update on my cycle. I plan to run it until I am done with the training program I am on. And for those wondering my blood pressure is under good control from my doctor i take vaalsartan, cardeviol.
done will EQ i have 3 weeks left on cycle, i plan on pushing very hard over spring break which is the last week plan on adding 50mg dbol per day for that week.
Currently upped test to 1200mg, and 300mg deca. Feeling happy on 1200mg test , it is my favorite dose for test. using asin for AI is working well.

Plan on crusing for either 4 weeks then going into prep for a meet, or crusing for most of the summer and competing in fall depending on bloodwork post cycle.

I like the somalong switched dosing to .5cc mon, thurs, and saturday, due to lethargy next day when dosing 1cc every 5 days. Basically same dosing amount per day just more frequent pin. With 25mg mk677 before bed EOD with 850mg metofrmin. I do EOD to stop heavy bloating, and blood sugar issues. I have been measuring fasting blood sugar most morning it is usually low 90’s( not optimal but below 100). Recovery is very fast from the brutual workouts with this protocol. Using novorapid post workout started at 5iu and went up to 10iu, no issues been using the last 1.5 weeks. May try preworkout, and have lots of gummy bears from haribo on hand, they contain glucose syrup which is a very fast form of sugar. I was told by a diabetic.

Hope everyone is training hard.
When my blood sugar crashes… gummy bears…a real sugar soda…orange juice…skittles…basically any type of real candy except chocolate. I usually end up eating too much chocolate and get a belly ache.
This workout routine is so frickin hard on max effort leg day, i did 525x3 in sleeves then 415 for 3x5, and then a bunch of accessories. I may have to tone down the intensity as i have school too, and when i was done today i felt like death. I took a 3 min shower then fell asleep for 90min. Ate a pound of beef in form of burgers with pepperjack cheese and daves bread instead of normal buns. Im taking the next couple of days off.
I have been not eating much last couple of days maybe 2500 calories or so busy with school. Been taking 50mg anavar per day except yesterday was only 25mg. I am leaning out a bit down to 255lb this morning from 260lb. Im going to try and lean out a bit over the last couple of weeks of this cycle.

Pinned my rear delts with .5ml in each today. Really hard to reach but went in like butter. going to add this to my routine, and going to start doing lats again. My hips have been getting some tightness lately, need to add in new sites to keep this down.
training program is going well except i was busy with school this week, and have will only get 2 workouts in during the weekdays. And likely 1 on the weeknd, the program is 5 per week.
Next week is spring break so I plan on training hard, and I have been running 50mg anavar for this week and next week. i also took 50mg anadrol pwo today., it was pharma iranian. Freaking amazing stuff. My workout was awesome. I plan on throwing in anadrol pwo a couple times. As next week is the end of my cycle. Then TRT at 150mg. for awhile and some inj. carnitine after 2 weeks to allow the scar tissue to hopefully go away a bit.

I really like the somalong from OneQ, this week ran .5ml on MWF. I dropped some fat defintely on my belly.
Finishing up the cycle week. used dbol and anadrol occasionally pwo the last 2 weeks. Not together either 50mg dbol or 50mg anadrol. Used 15iu novorapid insulin preworkout and my god it looked crazy, blew up my arms and back. Hit my goal of a 660lb or 300kg squat with wraps. Overall a good cycle. I have plenty of somalong left. I will finish the vial and save the other two for later. Plan on running 1ml per week until it is gone. 150mg test e is what i use for trt, get blood pulled in a month or so. I need to be healthy when I see my doctor in the end of april so i plan on dieting and maybe getting to around 240lb. I liked the cycle although EQ gave me some anxiety didn’t really notice it until i discontinued it and i stopped feeling abit anxious, i dont like that feeling so i dont think i will run it again. It gave me thick veins, and managed my estrogen well with a gram of test.
Nice that’s what I’m shooting for next week. Maybe instead of eq look at dhb in the future.