SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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I have a test e vial right now and if I do end up running the 16 week cycle again I was gonna try out the cyp for the second vial to see if it reduces pip. Does it matter if I do it that way? Is a 19nor is just deca?

Part of me is a little wary because I don’t want to do TRT right now, but at the same time I don’t want to toss what I have and I don’t like leaving something unanswered and without being able to figure out how to fix it. I think what I will end up doing is running the 16 week test only cycle again at 500mg weekly split on Monday and Thursday along with hcg and aromasin. Will clean up my diet if I do and depending on the results of that cycle will most likely determine whether I think the reward is worth it.

Is it true that HCG only has a shelf life of 30 days once it is mixed? I was looking into buying 5000 iu and doing 250iu weekly to prevent the atrophy. That of course would last me well over a month.
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And yeah man that shit literally scarred me seeing a lump in my pubes. I was so paranoid after that I starting having sex while holding my balls with downward pressure lol

A year trying to get your natural production back?
I’m just curious, how are pro bodybuilders able to spend hours in the gym each day working out? I know it’s because of AAS usage that increases recovery, but from what I have seen on this site I don’t see a difference between off cycle routines and on cycle as far as training frequency is concerned. Is it because they are taking such an excess of steroids?
Picked up some test cyp, aromasin, and HCG. I’ve never ran HCG, was is supposed to come with some sort of solution to mix it in?

So just to be sure I put 2ml of bac into the hcg vial which is a total dosage of 500 which will last me a week. Then i just repeat and do 2 ml bac water back into it again for the following week?
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