SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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They take AAS all day long micro dosing plus taking subq and IM shots multiple times a day.
If there not lifting there eating or sleeping.

If there amateur they have a job and when there not there they workout as much as possible.
I plan on injecting the 250 twice a week the day before I inject the test. I will have to pick up more hcg since the 5000iu will last me 10 weeks. Then once cycle is complete I discontinue use of HCG before hopping onto PCT?
You should only run the hcg 10 wks.
If you were to be running 12wks you would start hcg wk 3 so that wk12 you can stop hcg and start pct wk 13

If you don’t understand ask will figure it out together
The two test vials will last me 10 weeks but I could buy another and go to 15 weeks. could start the HCG week 5 if that were the case. I’ll wait and see how I feel. If I feel good and blood results show estrogen is being controlled better than last cycle then I’ll extend it. Will be doing 10mg aromasin EOD
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Ok buddy, as I said a bit ago, I would count the vials and report back to you. I had my fasted labs this morning and talked with the phlebotomist a bit. According to her… My dr’s orders called for an extensive metabolic panel, some other stuff and a1c. She pulled 3 vials from me. She said it would have been 2 without the a1c. She also said if it was specifically testosterone it would of had its own vial but the metabolic panel could include testosterone. She couldn’t see that.

I hope this helps.
My cyp from pharmacy is at 200…I opt for 250 when biying from ugl.
On the blood thing. If you continue down the “enhanced” road…you might want to consider donating every couple of months. Giving up a pint every so often does wonders for blood levels. A full blood panel a couple of times a year isn’t a bad idea either. Not telling you your business just my 2 cents.
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First injection went smooth yesterday and so far I haven’t noticed any PIP. So far it seems the cyp is better in that regards as opposed to the test e. However, not exactly sure what to do about the dosage. Should I just run 400mg weekly since it is only dosed at 200 or should I be injecting more than 1cc to try and get it to about 500mg weekly? Just not sure if my shoulders can hold more than 1cc
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