SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Keeping you in the loop…just donated a pint this morning…they took 6 extra vials on top of the donation.
@Bigmurph Aint that the truth! I can definitely tell the difference. I feel way better, can’t describe correctly…more energy maybe. I’m tagging @NeuroRN…he can usually dumb things down to where I can understand them. My doc said I had caveman blood…very very thick. Upside I wouldn’t bleed out unless it was a catastrophic wound! But downside is the big one and that scares me. I got unfinished business on this rock.
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don’t mess with that brother. Red cross is free and they’ll take every 7-8 weeks. It literally is less then 30 minutes round trip with an appointment.
Cool. What’s that saying I’ve heard somewhere…”harm reduction”. Hahaha
Never would have thought getting blood pulled would have any health benefit other than making you aware of any issues lol.

Well I injected roughly 1.25cc and no pip so I’ll just be doing that. I have a vial of test e and I’m considering just tossing it and grabbing more test cyp
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I hate nights like last night. Went to bed at 9 and woke up at midnight and can’t fall back asleep. I don’t think it is because of the testosterone but rather I just can’t breathe through my damn nose at all so have to mouth breathe which causes a dry, sore throat. I tend to be congested every single night but usually can still get air through one nostril. Not sure if it’s allergies or I’m getting sick.

First two injections were at 1cc and no PIP. Last injection I bumped it to 1.25cc to get to 250mg of cyp. Noticed some very mild PIP but it’s still really not that noticeable and can move my arm with no hinderance. Today is chest and shoulders and hopefully I can put up some more weight on bench despite the 3 hours of sleep last night.
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Even if I don’t have sleep apnea? I go in for a sleep study next month that will determine if I do. If I do they will give me a machine
From what you described, you’ll probably be prescribed one. Sleep study is pretty in-depth, they’ll get to the bottom of your problem.
I was going to say it sounds like sleep apnea I figured you might have already been diagnosed.
Im glad you are doing the sleep study.
I did that for years only sleeping 4-6hrs I felt horrible every day for me it was because of work it was seasonal so for years I would have 2 months of almost no work and then 10 months of all work 72hrs straight wasn’t uncommon I used to sleep in the back of my vehicle just to get an hour or 2 here and there its horrible sleep is incredibly important to feeling well I always felt horrible. Finally I left there and im much better than I was that was along time ago but sleep is one of the most important things to have good health.
What a journey… I’ll tell you what you roll with the punches, seek advise, and take criticism. Many people would have gave up on their goal months ago. You have my respect and as someone who has not yet started my journey in AAS, I have already learned from your experiences. Best wishes to you and your brother with your determination I am sure the gains are coming. Thank you so much for letting us follow along. It has been entertaining (and I mean that with all respect and not meaning that someone’s plights bring me pleasure. But you and your brothers personalities have a natural entertainment factor) and informative. Looking forward to Chapter 2.
I appreciate that man. That is the whole point of logging this journey. It is not just for holding myself accountable, but there are many lurkers and members that peruse this forum trying to absorb as much information as they can before they take the plunge into AAS. If someone can learn from my experiences, failures, and sometimes me making an ass out of myself, then this whole process has been worth it.

My brother decided not to run another cycle as he felt the money and pinning was not worth the reward which is why he has been inactive here. This decision was after he had purchased dbol and test e that he was planning to run for his second cycle. He ended up just giving me his gear when I visited him and family in AZ. He has been closely watching how I am doing on my current cycle and based upon the results he might make a comeback. Still has been going to the gym as well trying to lose weight and running a caloric deficit.
The weird thing about me is the minimal sleep I get, so long as I get between 4 and 5 hours, doesn’t seem to negatively impact me. Maybe it does and it just has been going on so long I don’t even notice it.
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