I appreciate that man. That is the whole point of logging this journey. It is not just for holding myself accountable, but there are many lurkers and members that peruse this forum trying to absorb as much information as they can before they take the plunge into AAS. If someone can learn from my experiences, failures, and sometimes me making an ass out of myself, then this whole process has been worth it.
My brother decided not to run another cycle as he felt the money and pinning was not worth the reward which is why he has been inactive here. This decision was after he had purchased dbol and test e that he was planning to run for his second cycle. He ended up just giving me his gear when I visited him and family in AZ. He has been closely watching how I am doing on my current cycle and based upon the results he might make a comeback. Still has been going to the gym as well trying to lose weight and running a caloric deficit.