SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Wonder if they get you able to sleep more if you end up feeling super charged. When I used to drink daily the body just adapted and I never felt like I was hungover but once I bout back on drinking I felt ten times better
SidTheSlothh said:
It is not just for holding myself accountable, but there are many lurkers and members
Its true we have a crazy amount of lurkers which is cool but I wish everyone would post up an introduction nothing personal just stats

We need to get you better sleep though definitely
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I wonder that too. I’m not really expecting that though. I think if I can breathe better at night it will improve my quality of sleep, just not sure about extending the sleep past my normal amount. It wasn’t always this way. Sometime around when I was 15 or 16 is when this sleeping shit started. I was getting on average 8 hours then out of nowhere it slashed in half. The only thing that I can recall at that point in my life that could be a contributing factor was taking accutane. I had severe acne throughout puberty that destroyed my self esteem and I had exhausted all other treatments to no avail. The accutane ultimately defeated the acne, but it may have caused the permanent insomnia as well as fusing my growth plates. I’ve been 5’8 since I was 14, never grew an inch since.
I took 3 cycles of Accutane it truly is horrible stuff and it caused alot of problems to alot of people it wouldn’t surprise me if something happened because of it

I couldn’t stand having my lips completely peeling off and bleeding. I had all sorts of problems but it worked so I used it I hate acne I get it horribly especially when I run primo
I took accutabe as well looking back I would have just dealt wi th t he acne over side affects of that shit
Yep I had those symptoms as well. The doctor had told us that stunted growth was a possible side effect albeit extremely rare. My dad was very reluctant having me go on accutane but I was desperate at the time and would do anything to get rid of it as it was destroying my life. After many talks with my dad with him trying to dissuade me from going on it, he finally gave in to his son’s incessant pleas.

The only side effects I experienced that I know for a fact were the extremely dry skin and lip peeling. What I am not so certain is what caused the long term insomnia and fused growth plates. A couple months went by and the acne faded. Few more months passed and by this time I was 16. Having not grown an inch since the age of 14, I was concerned about my growth and asked my dad if I could get an X ray of my growth plates. The day came and I was confident that surely everything would be okay and another growth spurt would happen since I still had some years to go before growth usually stops. Much to everyone’s surprise, the results came in that our growth plates were fused. I was devastated. The look in my father’s eyes was also haunting. I could see the pain in his eyes, a pain of guilt that his decision resulted in both of his kids being halted at 5’8 when every man in the family for generations was over 6’2. Was the trade off worth it? At the time yes it was. But now? Absolutely not. The height and the sleep seems to have been affected permanently. I write this at midnight again, 3 hours after going to sleep. It was also disturbing over the years seeing commercials from law firms saying to give them a call if you had any of the listed slew of diseases they mentioned after taking accutane. One I remember clearly being Chron’s disease.
I’m going to give my clinic a call today and see if I can reschedule my sleep study appointment. I set the appointment for a month out because my pending medical issues have to be taken care of before they will proceed with my discharge. I am attempting to prolong the discharge for as long as possible because I am earning a great amount of money between that and working a part time job. If I do get an earlier appointment, I ain’t reporting it to my chain of command and they can still presume it’s on the dates that I gave them lol. I have never been a mooch, never wanting to steal money, but I feel like I was wronged on so many levels by the Army that now my objective is to get as much out of them that I can even if it means using deception to get what I want. Because fuck the government. They steal income that I earn and punish us for being productive so I feel no remorse. I view this as getting my money back from the years they have stolen from my paycheck, and the decades of theft remaining until I retire.
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I wish I could blame my lack of growth in accurate I was 6’2” at 14 and that was it for me. Did t accutane till 17 but I was done growing at that point. I’m just sure it didn’t help my mental state. All it did was change what I saw was wrong with me
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You might not want to post that publicly on the internet

Yes Accutane is a horrible drug that I can’t believe they allow people to take still many horrible stories ive heard from many people
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Beings I’ve spent forever neck deep in the military industrial complex…I’ve got several stories of folks trying to scam the workers comp/medical retirement system. Some get away with it but those that got caught, wheww it was ugly. Straight up federal prison unless you got big $$ for an attorney and then the consequences are forever.
I understand it’s against the law. I’m just curious though, what is the difference between that and admitting steroid usage on these forums that is also illegal?
It depends on who has what stuck up their ass and on what day. You’re in the military…you’ve seen it. Some stuff slides; others do not…then it’ll flip flop for no apparent reason.
Must be pretty dumb to get caught doing that shit lol. I would presume most who do are faking a physical disability, the shit that can be disproven. But I am actually relieved of being discharged. Glad I’m getting out of that liberal cesspool. I called it on my resignation memo that we would be serving alongside mentally ill transvestites… and sure enough Biden signs it back on.
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Steroid usage is a misdemeanor and really not against the law possession is a misdemeanor and against the law in certain jurisdictions.

This is why I don’t allow market place activity to take place because that’s against the law but freedom of speech is still legal and while it is we shall voice our opinions.
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Makes sense. I didn’t know using steroids was that minor of an offense.

I rescheduled my sleep study and they had a slot for tonight. I will be going in tonight and hopefully can fall asleep quickly since I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. Due to my lack of sleep I skipped the gym today as I didn’t feel I had enough rest from heavy dead’s on Tuesday to hit leg day today. Here was dinner before going in. Now hopefully they can figure out why the fuck I get less than half of the sleep of a normal person.
I think the test went good. I was surprised to see how much wires the lady had to hook me up with. None of it really bothered me other than the nose tubes and the index finger pulse reader. I am weird about shit where I can feel my heartbeat which I could feel in my finger the entire time. I cannot sleep on my stomach cause I will feel my heart beating and it grosses me out. It took me what seemed like forever to fall asleep so I have no idea on what time it was that I did fall asleep. I do know that I woke up around 0230 unable to breathe through my nose and I felt I wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. I ultimately did and the nurse came and woke me up around 0430. I am anxiously waiting for the results but I wont have them for about 7-10 days.
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