Yep I had those symptoms as well. The doctor had told us that stunted growth was a possible side effect albeit extremely rare. My dad was very reluctant having me go on accutane but I was desperate at the time and would do anything to get rid of it as it was destroying my life. After many talks with my dad with him trying to dissuade me from going on it, he finally gave in to his son’s incessant pleas.
The only side effects I experienced that I know for a fact were the extremely dry skin and lip peeling. What I am not so certain is what caused the long term insomnia and fused growth plates. A couple months went by and the acne faded. Few more months passed and by this time I was 16. Having not grown an inch since the age of 14, I was concerned about my growth and asked my dad if I could get an X ray of my growth plates. The day came and I was confident that surely everything would be okay and another growth spurt would happen since I still had some years to go before growth usually stops. Much to everyone’s surprise, the results came in that our growth plates were fused. I was devastated. The look in my father’s eyes was also haunting. I could see the pain in his eyes, a pain of guilt that his decision resulted in both of his kids being halted at 5’8 when every man in the family for generations was over 6’2. Was the trade off worth it? At the time yes it was. But now? Absolutely not. The height and the sleep seems to have been affected permanently. I write this at midnight again, 3 hours after going to sleep. It was also disturbing over the years seeing commercials from law firms saying to give them a call if you had any of the listed slew of diseases they mentioned after taking accutane. One I remember clearly being Chron’s disease.