SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Hahaha they wire you up for sure! At our local hospital where they do the sleep studies; you get a coupon for free breakfast that morning in the cafeteria. Pretty cool because they have an awesome cafeteria.
I think if they can do anything about my breathing it would be beneficial. This last week every time I have woken up I can’t breathe through my nose and have a dry throat. Annoying as hell
Hit the scale this morning and am at 185. Started the cycle hovering around 179. Back in the day I used to be fat at 185 and I remember my stomach being much larger so it’s a good thing I’m at this weight and not as fat as I was. Heading into week 3 and so far don’t notice any signs of bloating or water retention. Lifts have gone up.
Today was deadlifts and I can tell the weight is easier to pull but my hands are not keeping the same pace. Trying to use the double overhand grip. I’ve used alternating grips before I just feel it can create an imbalance. Any suggestions on how to deal with grip strength to continue progressing in weight?
That’s the eternal question! How to improve grip for deadlifts. There’s a bunch of grip work protocols out there. Maybe find one and stick with it a while. A lot of the guys use alternate grip on platform but train with double overhand.
I’m with dirt. I’ve had a pair of cheapos that’s lasted forever. When they tear up spend $10 and get another pair.
Farmers carriers are my rotated in and out of my training. Brutal for grip and conditioning
They are awful man. Can’t breathe, plus your holding heavy shit, and walking. But they work.

Hell you don’t even have to walk. If the weakness is holding heavy stuff… hold progressively holder stuff for longer. Don’t forget the basic principle of specificity in your training- what is the goal? Train the things you need to reach that goal.
An update on to how my cycle is going thus far. So me being the hardheaded motherfucker that I am, I decided to go against the advice that was given to me from you guys here on this thread. I appreciate all of the advice and wisdom each and every one of you have contributed on here. I decided that the risk was worth the potential reward and said fuck it.

Here is the cycle. Currently on week 3.
Start date: January 18th Starting weight: 178-180 hovering. Currently 185
Test C 250 twice a week
Dbol 25 ED first week. Second week started running it at 50 ED as experienced no sides.
Aromasin 10mg EOD
Will start HCG next week 250 twice weekly

I have experienced no adverse side effects. No bloating and no water retention as of yet. I can tell I don’t have much if any because my flexibility has not degraded like last cycle.

Strength gains have been going up each session despite the 3 to 4 hours sleep a night.

Week 1: Deadlifts 235: 5, 5, 5, 5 Bench 185: 9, 7, 5, 4 Squats 225: 5, 5, 5, 5
Week 2: Deadlifts 235: 5, 5, 5, 5 Bench 195: 7, 6, 6, 6 Squats 235: 5, 5, 5, 5
Week 3: Deadlifts 235: 5, 5, 5, 5 Bench 205: 6, 5, 5, 5 Squats

Deadlifts would be going up each week but hands were unable to progress. I will be picking up straps sometime this week. Feel energetic as hell in the gym and can just tell am much stronger than where I started at at the beginning.
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You’re going to get very strong in the 5 rep range
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