SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Well the sleep clinic set me up a follow up appointment for this Monday which means they identified an issue or sleep disorder that needs treatment so I’ll find out then what’s going on.
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It takes alot to get this done I still believe its going to be sleep apnea but im no doctor so I can’t give medical advice

I do look forward to you getting everything worked out
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Mine was basically the same wiring and sensors but with a cpap…there’ll be a little experimentation to see which face device suits you personally.

I have facial hair so i have a nose piece. Kind of aggravating i kind of got used to it…been a few years now.
Those nose pieces are uncomfortable. The wires didn’t bother me it was the nose tube that felt like it was stabbing me. I hope the CPAP machine helps me breathe through my nose since I can’t at all at night. Think my nasal passages are narrow and constantly inflamed or something. According t the study I was asleep for 346 minutes out of 395. I stopped breathing or it was decreased below normal 8.5 times an hour and the normal is under 5.

Did deadlifts this morning and those straps are a godsend. Easily went up 30 pounds no problem. Wish I would have known about these a long time ago and were only 5 bucks from walmart
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Last night I tried out the CPAP and it definitely helped me breathe through my nose. I was really stuffy but only need just a tiny bit of opening in my airway for that machine to push the pressurized air through so was still able to breathe through my nose without an issue. I think this will help in a sense that it will prevent waking up agitated that I can’t breathe, but I don’t think it will affect how long I stay asleep. I still only got about 5 hours which is the normal for me. And maybe that’s all I need since I feel pretty good and not tired or groggy.
This week is my 4th week as well and I will be starting HCG today. My nuts are getting pretty small so going to tackle it now before I have another missing testicle situation again. Yesterday’s test cyp shot completed my first vial so this cycle will run for 12 weeks.
I can make do with 5 hours so long as I feel good. I am the strongest I have ever been on this cycle. Never have reached these numbers on dead’s, squats, or bench. It ain’t much but it’s more than I have ever done. I think it’s the dbol lol and the aromasin. Haven’t bloated at all and still have same flexibility. It has always been my goal to bench two 45s on each side of the bar and I am approaching that
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This is where I’m at. Left pic was in august before starting first cycle and at 152 pounds. Currently 185 pounds.

I’ll add some better pics tonight
Yeah man that Aromasin is treating me much better than the adex. I’ll get bloods done in two weeks but I don’t have any of the symptoms I had on my last cycle. Question is do I continue with the 10mg EOD with Aromasin even after I get off the Dbol?
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