SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Good to hear brother and I wish I could answer that question for you. I am a low aromatizer if I took 10mg aromasin EOD on 400-500mg test would crash my estro in a week. Been there not fun. You seem like from your prior bloods you will still need it tho. I would contrinue or maybe push to e3d till you get bloods.

For my next cycle, after bloods determine I am ready, I am thinking of doing a cut with just Anavar and test cyp. Anyone ran this before, how did it work for you?
Cyp and anavar is my “goal” this spring(ish) summer if my labs come back good. Already inching my cyp up out of trt range. Contemplating primo also but I’m so lazy that pinning every 4 days is already a chore hahaha so it will probably be just var and cyp.
I believe what @NeuroRN is saying is diet in check…first then chem enhancement. Its taken me 5 months to lose 20lbs cautiously trying to preserve as much muscle as possible. At least i think that’s what je means.
For sure. That was my issue last cycle. I put more faith in the gear than eating properly. Yeah I had high estro and the sides but still could have worked with it if I ate better.
Yeah it blows. I am starting to get some lower back stiffness. Not sure what is causing it. This week starts week 4 so will get bloods done on week 6
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