SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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I think bits a great combo I ran that at beginning of my current cut cycle and loved it. I’ve sorta learned I like my test a bit lower on a cut, minimize the compounds. and just let the diet work. I’m running 300mg/week Cyp, 20Mg anavar weeks 1-4 ,proviron 50mg/day weeks 8-12. 500 calorie deficit. Overall it’s been great, var will definitely keep you feeling strong in the gym In a deficit and some nasty pumps as well. Will save the 500+mgs for when I bulk next
Yeah I’m getting the same ive def added more stretching in before bed. It’s been doing wonders for my shoulder
Awesome. I haven’t looked much into proviron but I have heard good things about it from many people on here.
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Hopefully the gym opens back up today. It has been four days of being stuck in the house with no internet but thankfully this morning it has been turned back on. Gotta love being unable to work and losing a little over 1k in household income.

My stash of test cyp will take me to about 12 weeks. I still have a vial of test e and am contemplating using it to go for about 16 weeks depending on if the PIP is doable. It’s either use it or toss lol
I finally hit my goal today of benching 225. Throughout the years of lifting I have never been able to break through the 45 with a 25 in the side. And now on my 6th week of this cycle I hit 225 for reps of 6, 5, 5, 4 and it doesn’t really feel too heavy. Only the unracking bit is straining. Pretty excited about it, makes me not want to get off the dbol but this week will be my last week.
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Sounds like you’re killing it. Now you get to call the 45s “plates”. For instance “I was benching with 4 plates”…only meatheads will know thats 225. The other weak mortals will not know what you speak of. Congratulations
Congrats brother that’s really good to hit a goal especially now that you are moving along and you can see gains in strength.
I believe that the actual weight that you lifted is 185lbs
4 45 lb plates 2 on each side make 225lb its difficult also because some bars weigh 25lbs-45lbs so you need to know the equipment.

185lb is still a great number and next stop 225lb
That’s awesome man love seeing people hitting goals maybe time to set that next milestone
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