SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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This experience is definitely a testament to run just a test cycle only as a first time goer so you can identify a problem and correct it the next cycle. Based on my strength gains my brother wants to run the same cycle lol. He had given up on AAS after our first cycle experience.
Right now I’m just focused on getting as strong as I can and putting on as much mass as possible and hopefully can retain most of the strength coming off. As far as weights go I would like to add another 15lbs on my bench and about 30lbs on squats and dead’s before the cycle is done. And I don’t look as much like a tooth pick anymore. Yeah I’ve gained a bit of body fat along the way but I prefer to be thicker than be a skeleton especially if you are skinny with hardly any muscle. My gf likes it much better too
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Sounds like you got a plan. Squatting 315…6 plates is a big marker.
Fuck yeah bro I think my favorite part of hitting goal is setting the next one always be improving
Did an HCG shot last night that bled a little and this morning it is a little bruised. Doesn’t hurt or anything. Is that normal?
I’ve never tried Cialis or Viagra but I have heard good things about Cialis on here. Was thinking about grabbing some and trying it out. The gf wants to bring some additional sluts into the bedroom so that’s why I figured I might give it a try lol.
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Be careful not with viagra but in my experience adding people in the bedroom leads to more problems than it’s worth
It’s not even something I ever mentioned to her. She is very visual and she wanted to bring someone in to watch me fuck them and of course experiment. I don’t think she is bisexual cause she isn’t attracted to women, but she ain’t exactly 100% straight either cause she is willing to receive and do sexual things with them. Don’t know what word describes that. Neither of us have done it before
Oh boy… just once is something that can’t be undone
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If she is having sex with women brother she is definitely bi sexual.
Its all good group sex but before you get into it definitely set boundaries that if crossed means your relationship is over. Its the only way it will work without one of you leaving for what you believe are greener pastures but it never is brother.
Have fun with it
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My current chick asked me if she could sleep with another woman I said only if I can as well. That was no bueno she said I could watch i again said I would join and not play favorites. Also would break up right after caue I know how it ends so no reason to wait for the explosion
That’s what I told her. But she kinda gets defensive and offended when I tel her she is bisexual. She says she doesn’t know if she likes it or not cause she hasn’t tried it. I would say well it doesn’t matter you don’t have to try it first. Just having an interest and being open to the same sex is gay to me in my opinion
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My gf is weird. She’s only into bringing a woman into the bedroom to “please me.” She isn’t interested in doing anything alone with a woman
I don’t know if I would use gay because there is definitely bi curious especially among women.
I thought that your girl had already been with a girl.
Boundaries before trust me
Starting to get some serious lower back pumps after dead’s and a little after squats. Also hit the scale this morning and I’m at 192
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