SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Tomorrow is my last day of dbol so I’m thinking of lowering my calories and eating cleaner. Switching to Aromasin every three days instead of every other and getting bloods on Monday.


That lower abdomen bruise was the last HCG injection
Getting my estrogen bloods done today. I should know within a week whether or not the Aromasin has been working for me which I presume it has considering I am not experiencing the side effects that I did last cycle.
I pinned the test E yesterday and had no PIP so I’m not going to toss it. This will extend my cycle another 5 weeks which leads into my next question. Is it not advisable to say take a couple weeks off of orals and then run Anavar for the remainder of the cycle in a caloric deficit? What is more detrimental to health, to extend a cycle and introduce another oral albeit less toxic than dbol and knock out two birds with one stone, or to more frequently shut down your HPTA?
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I personally right off don’t see the harm in ending dbol and finishing cycle with var. there might be some particulars that im missing though.

Others will weigh in.
This cycle is going to last me roughly 16 weeks, the cycp dosed at 200 makes it more difficult to estimate. I could however just grab another vial of cyp and run it exactly 20 weeks. Dbol ended after 6 weeks so this is what it would look like.

Current cycle i’m on week 7
Week 1-6 dbol 50mg ED Aromasin 10mg EOD
Week 12-20 Anavar 40mg ED Aromasin 10mg E3D
Week 1-20 Test cyp 250 twice a week
Would have to buy more HCG

Or I can simply run what I have and then take the necessary time off and run a test var cycle. It doesn’t really matter to me which one I choose but I’ll choose whichever one is healthier for me.
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Yes I’ll be doing the same PCT as last time it worked great for me. What you mentioned was one of the two choices I put out. Or did you mean not to extend the cycle and start PCT after 12 weeks which was originally what I had planned?
Gotcha. So do you think it is better to run shorter cycles more frequently as opposed to longer cycles with less frequency? I think the benefit to a shorter cycle is there is less chance of burnout and can deload to give the body a break. Go hard for 8-12 weeks while maintaining discipline is easier than keeping that same intensity and discipline for 12+ weeks.
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It honestly depends on your goals and what you are trying to achieve.

I know a guy that just wants to be lean every 2 months so he is on 8wks and off 8wks he did that for awhile and now is on trt.
Running long cycles also leads to trt.
I believe that the best route is plan your cycle and achieve your goals then stop.
If you continue to run over and over no matter pct or length of time you still will end up on trt.

A cycle a year is probably all anyone really needs especially a 3-5 month cycle. It takes alot to come back from a long cycle or multiple cycles.
How many cycles did you run before PCT stopped being effective and were unable to rebound quickly or at all? I rebounded very fast after my last cycle and never felt the effects of low T almost as if the PCT worked instantly. 4 weeks of PCT and bloods showed 700 Test. I wonder if I will bounce back like that this next time.
So you never had a problem recovering from previous cycles until you ran a 19nor? A year is a long time. If a proper PCT and using HCG doesn’t bring you back, would you presume then that it is permanent and might as well blast and cruise?
Eventually most everyone that wants to maintain an active healthy lifestyle ends up on trt. Cycle or no cycle.

As @Bigmurph stated. It all depends on personal goals and what YOU want to commit to.
When i crashed…my test was well below a 100 and it was horrible. That was years ago after being on for decades.

My recommendation/opinion is to sit down and formulate a plan for yourself. Are you shooting for mr olympia or just would like to walk around as yoked up as you can REASONABLY get AND maintain. Your personal goals will dictate the cycle duration and frequency.

My 2 cents
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