SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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My Olympia hell naw lol. I don’t have the genetics for it and even if I did, I don’t like the way they look at all. It is just too big and has a swollen look like they’re tumors or some shit. I would like to just look good and be muscular, nothing excessive.
Hahaha yeah that’s just one end of the spectrum.

Just remember. Being shutdown permanently is different than coming off into a pct where as you can kickstart your natural production again.
I just don’t like that idea as of yet. I don’t like pinning as it is but it’s doable because I’m not the one doing it. In the event I ever lost my gf or I hit a financial crisis which many people do in their lifetime, they would both prevent me from pinning. Then I would be stuck with low T until both of those are resolved.
Hit the gym this morning and busted through 4 sets of 5 on bench with 2 plates and 2.5s. Strength still seems to be coming along even after the dbol ended.

I’m flying out to Miami today with my girl for a 4day vacation so I won’t be hitting the gym. I will consider this a short respite from the gym and deload time. When I get back I’m eating lean with high protein but shooting for a 500 caloric deficit.
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These last two weeks or so I have been miserable when it comes to sleep. Get no airflow through my nose at all and wake up with a dry ass throat and crusty boogers. I scheduled an appointment with my doc and hopefully he can do something about it. If I can’t even breathe at all through my nose would the CPAP even help? I can’t recall when the last time I woke up with a boner was so I know I’m getting shit sleep.
My cpap has a water reservoir that i fill with distilled water. It is adjustable as to “moisture content” of the air you want blowing into your passages. It’s got a small heater plate.

It will “not dry out” your passages. It should help with dryness.
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That would be great, sick of waking up each morning with a sore throat.

Now that vacation is behind me, it is time to hit the diet and gym again. I got on the scale this morning and I was 196. I don’t understand how I am that heavy. I do not look 196lbs lol. Aint no way my stomach weighs THAT much. I’m not going to be counting calories, but I will be eating nothing but healthy foods and it will be the same thing every day to keep it easy and simple.
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Maybe play with your diet. This might be a good time. Download one of the free apps and track your intake to see how your body reacts.

If this is the heaviest you’ve ever been then it might be a perfect time to track caloric intake to sculpt yourself.
Yeah man I’ve never been over 190. Back in the day when I was 180 I looked way fatter then I do now and my gut was bigger. Looked terrible imagine a bigger gut on my frame at 152 in that before pic lol skinny fat
Put on my uniform for the first time in a minute due to all the leave I have been taking…barely fit into the damn thing lol. Before the large T was all loose and now it’s too tight even around the sleeves
Well what I will do is count the food today and just go off of that since I’ll be eating the same thing everyday. I’d prefer to do that then log trackers each day on different stuff
@Bigmurph is right brother. You’re still young and new to this stuff. Now would be a perfect time to log calories/food to see what works and what doesn’t. The apps are plug and play i spend less than 5 minutes a day plugging my intake in.
Plus it ALWAYS looks different when you record what you stuff in your cake hole.
Look honestly if you don’t take your diet seriously all that’s going to happen is once you stop inj you will get fat as the water leaves your body because you actually didn’t build mass because your muscles didn’t have what they needed to grow.
Diet is more important than AAS
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