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The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Lmao. Hey I’ll take that though. Been doing it so much with my gf I been shooting blanks and of course dealing with my left testie disappearing into my pubes lol.
This is quoted frm OP
How to Take?
Administration is 100mcg daily and shows to be a steady product to administer at long periods of time. This product is typically only found in 2-5mg for the time with compound pharmacy as no major pharmaceutical company has picked this up.
I must have my conversions off. Isn’t 200 mcg 2 IU and 2,000 mcg = 20IU? So 100 mcg 1iU?
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Where did your estrogen come in at? A few symptoms you mentioned could have indicated low estrogen as well. I would never increase AI if you’re not sure. Water retention is also caused by poor diet salt and sugar intake. Low estrogen can also cause you to gain fat. Blood test is mandatory on first cycles.

You don’t need to constantly change your routine but if you want to get big you’re gonna need to increase reps. Low heavy reps is strength training. Not everyone will respond the same to every routine but if you want o put on size fast you will need to hypertrophy (burn out) your muscles.
Week 1 estrogen results. 214. Implemented AI adex.5 2x weekly did bloods again week 6 estro dropped to 195 still extremely high so we upped the dose to 1 mg 2x weekly and should get results today or Monday. So you think this was a bad decision to up it? Seems like .5 did nothing.

However we will really see when these results come back what’s going on lol
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I think I put 2.5 mils in mine and dosed at 5 units for a hundred mcg. But I’m not at home I wrote it down. @Optumpharma if you got it from him he would be more then happy to line you out
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Oh nice! You went to your second cycle straight after PCT?
Yeah I’m still on second cycle man. Extended it to 16 weeks just cuz it’s just Test e plus I’m liking the strength gains. I haven’t noticed a difference in my physique but everyone around me has lol. I actually just implemented creatine a few days ago and was able to lift even more reps just by adding it so I guess it’s a legit Supp lol
Yeah man, I cut my original cycle to 10 wks. I PCT and took a break for 9 weeks and I’m getting back on the pony. That was my second cycle but my first proper cycle with AI and PCT. I’ve educated myself pretty well so I’m confident in what I’m doing now.

LMAO my friends and family know I’m on something lol some called me out and it was pretty fucking awkward. Now I just tell anyone who ask I’m on Nugenix lmao

That’s good seems like you responded pretty well. Now you can incorporate another compound to your next cycle, what’s it gonna be?
Oh okay yeah cuz I was curious how long after PCT should you give your body before you hop onto the next cycle. Lmao nugenix 😂 I’m just flat out honest because who cares. Every bodies on shit these days basically anyways.

Yep exactly! The next cycle I’ll run test C, test sust, NPP, and dbol. I’ll keep my Kisseptin going and the adex, clomid, nolva. What cycle are you currently running?
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