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The Election Thread

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The only way to educate the poeple is to control the media. But only democrats take the investment into it. All the seed funding and angel investors into media are democrats.

Then as they control the board seats they control who gets what positons. Thus creating an organization they can rely on to censor opposing viewpoints.

In Europe they’ve banned all media from Russia as propaganda now. France and other countries control what their citizens see in media.

All the recent riots by the muslims refugees burning down france is being blamed by govt on social media. If no one had reported the cop shooting the kid then no one would have watched it and no one would have seen others protesting. They blocked all internet for a day and social media sites ordered to remove anything and anyone sharing the content.

With the nordstream pipeline they also never shared anything within their own countries. They only blamed russia. So thier citizens only see what they want them too because they dont speak english they dont know what really happened.

Remember the 50+ intelligence experts claiming the biden laptop was false before the elections? Now they admit it was real and no media will hold anyone accountable. In congress they claim they were told to say its false so they did.

For anyone conservative i think the US is done for. In europe the tide is turning but people actually are standing up and really protesting and rioting. Govts are loosing elections for being liberal. They ruined europe with the refugees and people are tired of it. Only Poland, Hungary standing without issues because they refused them.
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While I think Trump got screwed last election its his own fault and he wont win again. The longer he runs the more he will guarantee a Democrat govt.

DeSantis is the only chance Republicans really have and hes beating Biden against in all the polls. Trump loses to Biden. Trump beats DeSantis in primary tho.

DeSantis has a plan and is already ballot harvesting in states its legal in. Hes willing to pay for it and budgeted into his campaign. Thats what the Democrats did to beat Trump. Trump refuses to ballot harvest because hes trying to keep his campaign funds. He says the GOP should be doing that not him. All the bad points in GOP administration is because Trump put them there. As always his appointments and endorsements suck and poeple are taking notice.
Trump is a lightening rod for sure. He’s easy to dislike and I agree. Lots of folks didn’t necessarily vote FOR biden… they voted AGAINST trump for reasons they just can’t justify intelligently.

Kind of like trump vs hillary.

Ain’t no telling what’s going to happen. It’s going to be interesting to see how the 3 letter agencies spin the hunter/big guy narrative now. There’s too much information leaking out and more and more all the time.

I for one have lost what little respect I had for the gov cess pool.
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Of course I do have a “new found limousine liberal” persona i like to put on occasionally.

Eff the poor… me and my family are in the upper middle class/lower wealthy class… just so long as this big guy…ME… is comfortable. Sure… eggs and gas got pricey but hey I can afford it. Don’t care what the po-folks gotta do.
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I think the hatred for Trump is stronger then anything Biden does for the democrats and left leaning independents. Theyre already painting biden as the american family and hunter is just the kid who has drug problems like many do with Joe being the loving father who never turns on his son.
I think all of these silly shenanigans DeSantis is pulling is gonna land him in trouble with the general electorate if he ever makes it out of primary. He’s been engaging in culture war bullshit even harder than Trump. You wanna talk about divisive…

The sad thing here is that the conservatives can’t put up a viable candidate. Trump already lost vs Biden. They know he can’t win again. But the lunatic fringe of the party keeps wanting him on it, ruling out people like Christie and DeSantis. Even Kennedy with his anti-vax, anti-science crusade looks like an idiot.

I think as long as the Conservative movement keeps courting this anti-intellectual, anti-worker narrative that is also toxic towards most people of color, and antipathy towards women’s rights and LGBTQIA folks, they’re basically backing themselves into a corner.

Conservatism used to be a centrist party. Now all they seem to do is target every day Americans and people aren’t stupid. They see it. They see all the crazy conspiracy theories and the assault on the capital on January 6. Put yourself in Joe Everyman’s shoes: is that something you would want to be associated with voting for? They also see the democrats not doing much better, but at the very least not voting for awful laws that take away rights from already terrified folks or for tax cuts for billionaires.

The conservatives put themselves in this mess. They’ve got no one to blame but themselves.
I see the problems with conservative party for sure. DeSantis does shit regardless of what people think but hes been ok even challenged in court so far. Hes more focused on electorial college then people now. The problem is both parties have moved so far to the sides theres no more center candidates. I honestly dont think itll change. Imo this is the last election conservatives have to make any changes. And theyre wasting it on trump. The next gen voters are going to vote liberal due to media and movies regardless. Liberals won on that. Conservatives cant blame anyone but themselves actually. Conservatives have always needed the independents to win. Theyre losing that with trump. I was pro trump first term as everyone knows. But hes not the right choice now.

If a true middle candidate ran then they would win but the parties wont let it happen. I honestly want DeSantis to win to get rid of IRS lol. Thats best for everyone. Hes the only one willing to do it as hes the poorest and has a plan for that already. Of course he’ll get challenged but hes going to cover his bases. Our tax system hasent changed since ww2 and its there to protect the rich. Someone needs to change that and electing rich millionares on either side they support the current system that benefits them not the people.
I will stand by what I have said for the past at least 8 years as I’ve been old enough to realllh understand the world better. Fuck both parties. It won’t change cause CREAM and greed but man I’m tired of hear people say lesser of two evils. I feel like it would be better country if somehow we could blow the whole system up abs have no affiliations and people just actually ran on their own beliefs and not worried if they do or say soemthing there goes all their campaign funding from the party
Average citizens are over taxed. Give them a system the low income pay no taxes and the people pay a flat tax or vat tax for everyone on whats purchased. Where theres no loopholes for the rich. If we have billions to give away around the world every year but no money to fix and take care of our people then our system needs to change and reducing the amount they can give away outside of the US is key.

You see how Nancy Pelosi and career politicians want term limits on Supreme court now but not on them lol. Take away the money and make them spend it at home instead.

No one wants this except a few republicans and DeSantis willing to do it. We love using the term Oligarchs in reference to Russia and Ukraine however you look up what qualifies them as Oligarchs and our congress and senators meet the same definitions. The US is ran by oligarchs so of course they dont want to pay taxes and need the tax breaks in the code they made to protect themselves and take more from the people.
See, the thing is, I don’t think the democrats are as far left as everyone thinks. The Dems vote much more like a moderate party. Think about it: they’re sitting there collecting donations right now because of the fall of roe v wade. But if they’d have bothered to codify abortion rights into federal law, they wouldn’t have that drum to beat in this election. They had control over congress during the Obama years and a good portion of of the Biden years too. They did nothing.

Same for any other hot button left issue: gay marriage, trans rights, wealth and inheritance taxes, cutting corporate subsidies, empowered labor, cutting the military budget etc. they could have accomplished a lot. But they didn’t. Because they’re deathly afraid of being called socialist or far left. They don’t want to lose moderate votes.

The two parties agree on way more than people like to admit. They both want a massive military, low taxes on huge corporations and billionaires, massive corporate handouts, weak protections for workers and weak health care and social safety nets. This is so that the billionaire oligarchy who really owns the country continues to get what they want. The rest of us get the table scraps — little pieces of red meat to make us think something is changing for the better, but it’s usually just a giveaway to the rich in disguise.

The fact of the matter is that the two parties are basically the same. They pay lip service to the things that really matter while promoting the oligarchs’ agenda with their votes.
Under Obama era I think they were more moderate. I think that changed after the Justice Democrats got involved with socialist beliefs and started pushing the far left. AOC, Rashib, Omar, are all Justice democrats. The media gives them the most attention giving them the most divide.

Roe vs Wade was because the conservatives pushing far right too much and listening to the “influencers” that are book burners, ban everything they dont believe in shit. And Trump is pushing them right now. Thats a mistake.

But remember a lot of items go back and forth. Border wall for example. Obama ran on that. Then didnt do it. Trump ran on that. Then its racist. The divide was pushed after Obama the most imo. I was never called racist until after Obama ran. Never in the 90s, Early 2000s. I voted Obama first term. I disagreed how he ran things second term and military cuts and all of a sudden i was called a racist by democrats for not supporting him. So why would I go back to supporting them?

The key figure on IRS has only been brought up recently and DeSantis is willing to shake that up and it helps everyone, So hes got my vote on that alone. We dont need more taxes.
Yeah see thing is I don’t buy DeSantis’ line on the IRS. The IRS actually got a budget boost last year and has been targeting tax evading billionaires as a result. Before then, it had been chopped back by Trump. When the IRS doesn’t have cash to go after billionaires, they go after lower hanging fruit instead. So idk why people are so ginned up about the IRS. Seems like another political smokescreen to give more cash away to billionaires to me.
Thats not true tho. The budget boost doesnt do anything but give them more agents. The billionares have loopholes. Thats what they are using to not pay taxes. Trump even admitted that in 2015. What did the IRS do right after they got the boost? Go after cash app payments and payments thru small apps and service industry. Billionaires arent using those.

We have millionaires writing their own tax laws that govern them with loopholes to give themselves. They wont change the tax code. Hiring more agents they go after the little people that cant afford attorneys and make tax mistakes.
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Remember in 2015 Hillary called out Trump for not paying taxes and he said he doesnt. He uses the same loopholes her donors use and she wont change that. She remained quiet. Thats the truth tho. You expect the millionaires in senate and congress to make tax laws they have to pay more. They wont do that. They make laws the little people need to pay more. They keep their loopholes. Even Trump said he wont get rid of the IRS cause he likes the Tax laws.


The wealthy are not hiding their taxes. They just use loopholes made by other millionares in congress and senate to not pay them. Theyre not doing anything illegal.

Even joe biden got pissed when Ted Cruz proposed a fair tax plan and Joe said he would veto it without even knowing what it was. They dont want to get rid of their loopholes and their donors loopholes.
Okay I’m not gonna play whackamole here. You just posted a buncha stuff that doesn’t address anything I said and I’m not gonna fact check every thing you threw out. A Google search found this, which shows the actual plan the irs has to go after tax evading billionaires.

Just because you have a few articles about unrelated topics doesn’t make what I said not true. I think there’s some confirmation bias here. The media would love for you to believe that a well funded irs is bad for you because that’s how the media fucks with you to get you to vote against yourself. The fact that you just posted a buncha stuff that doesn’t matter really drives that home to me. It took me 2 minutes to find how the irs plans on closing the tax gap. But you wouldn’t know that if you watch the media that doesn’t want you knowing that.
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Again you ignore everything else they say but whats relevant to you only. Everytime you lose a point you do this lol. The tax gap they refer to they make no mention of what agents are targeting over 400k earners. They do however have a record of auditing black people and lower income more. Theres 5 objectives to their tax plan which going after higher earners is only 1 objective. Objective 3 in their plan. They do state in other objectives how they will hire 5000 new phone assistants. So obviously specific numbers are in play or should be.

The irs cant change the tax breaks with laws changing. You talk about smoke screen and your source is just that. What they have changed in reporting they claim was to people spending over $600 in venmo, paypal, cashapp to others. Lowering the requirement im sure millionares use to avoid taxes and not just everyday Americans. That was part of the discussed reporting to close the gap that your ignoring claiming is not relevant.

So specify legally what they can do without congressional laws changing and number of new agents assigned to the wealthy only. Over million dollar taxpayers they initially claimed before lowering the threshold to $400k.
He doesn’t have a chance. Hes basically throwing his name in wanting a position instead. High appointment.
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