SB Labs

The Election Thread

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Lol IRS agents armed with the same weapons they want to take away from us. They aren’t targeting people who make over $400k they are coming after us middle class based Americans. Why else do you think they are targeting us with Venmo?

I’m not a Desantis supporter but I do think we need to get rid of all 3 letter agencies. The IRS works directly with the ATF
Remember being the fed the bullshit they weren’t hiring agents with guns. Only accountants for audting. Then after they get the funding. IRS hiring for criminal investigators in all 50 states lol.

IRS-CI Special Agents (SAs) are duly sworn federal law enforcement officers throughout all 50 states and US territories including special agent attachés located in 11 countries. As a SA, you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes. SAs fill a unique niche in the federal law enforcement community due to IRS-CI’s broad jurisdiction of Title 18 and Title 31 crimes, in addition to our primary tax enforcement mission. SAs are known for their financial investigative expertise in areas, such as, tax fraud, public corruption, cybercrimes, narcotics, terrorism, and much more.
  • Conducts or participates in surveillance, armed escorts, dignitary protection, undercover operations, execution of search and arrest warrants, seizures, etc.
  • Protects the government’s interest in enforcement activities.
  • Maintains good physical condition in order to conduct criminal investigations, surveillance, protective assignments, undercover assignments, etc.
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