The road to 2000 dirty pounds log

Todays lifts
Squats 685 x3 didn’t do back off sets back didn’t feel
Right so went straight to leg press
4x12 10 pps then 11pps
Leg curls 3 Ct ecc 3x12 185
Leg ext 3ct ecc 3x12 195
Hey @Dirtnasty,
Ive been scanning through YouTube before the gym watching these young dudes trying whats called a hissy grip where they lift as much as they can on one end of a bar. What’s interesting to me is one dude lifting w a sumo stance is this something you can do personally?
Is it legal? Thanks bro
Are asking if sumo is legal. It is hissy grio or what ever I wouldn’t do any of the stupid stuff you see on youtube and juat stuck to standard lifts. They do those for views not practicality
Well tried to kill myself today was doing 3rd back off set with 410 on bar and racked it so I thought I guess bar bounced off and had my damn left arm pinned in there not sure how I got out with nothing tore. I let adrenaline wear off before continuing workout I didn’t finish my bench sets but got everything else
Bench 3-2-0 460x3 410x3x3
Machine flys 4x15 230
Sm jm press 4x10-250
Sing arm tricep face pull ss 4x20 20/40
Funny thing is my shoulder actually feels better then. It has in while like that loosened it up. Bicep still ot happy so starting bpc tonight when I get off
Tore. Callus today. So geting chalk you can see. On video. Where it tore on first rep still kind of got second. Will. Post test of workout later
Ok lifts dead’s 675 x2 ish wasn’t good and have piece of hand missing now 605x2 600x3x4 did all these in 300 minutes span
Pendlay and tbar rows got na from my forearms and Elvis not feeling the pulling on them.
Single are lat pull down 4x10 80
Seat chest supported row for upper back 4x12 135. Slow full reps something my arms could hold wirght wise but still getting stimulus on muscles
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Eating then back to sleep nontraining today. Shoudl mention my body feels like it was in car wreck. Juat hurts all over. Funny I don’t feel like any muscle is getting hit when I do dead’s then today it’s like I can barely move
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