SB Labs

Time to Right the Ship

I need to get my workouts set… going to the gym and just doing chest/tris, back/bis, delts and legs is f’ing stupid. I look like an ass wipe just bouncing from equipment to equipment… how does one transition from training like a powerlifter for serious competition for the last 25+ years to training like a normal person without losing complete interest
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For me… it’s having a goal. Any goals will work. Beings my strength is that of a lady boy…I try and stay away from things that hurt.
You know it’s funny I like days I just go in and outside of my main two lifts for the day just do what I want. Now there is something to be said about having everything laid out in program to do every workout. But sometimes I just want to do shit different than is on paper.
I resisted 531 forever. What… 15 years now but have just started it for squats and bp. I have one year to check my progression…63rd bday.
You are an experienced lifter. But a coach can still help you in many ways. Help you to find a workout routine and diet plan to help reach your goals plus accountability and encouragement. There are a couple great coaches on here.
JB_rD81 said:
I look like an ass wipe just bouncing from equipment to equipment
That’s just in your head brother. What you’re doing now (imo) is great for maintenance and/or ramping up and/or just putting in some work when you just don’t feel like being there.
I did 5/3/1 for a short while, but found better results through Conjugate and Brandon Lilly’s CUBE method. I’ve had to modify exercises so much for different things that hurt and don’t work. Maybe I’ll lay things out like the cube again, but replace flat bench with something dumbbells, and deadlifts with rack pulls or something. Hell, part of me even says do 60 days of nothing but functional KettleBell work… I don’t know. Lifting to get a pump is not amusing to me, nor is it anywhere near as good at releasing my anger and emotions as moving weights that can break me (and have broken me 🤣🤣)

I did delts and arms today, it was good.
I get everything you’re saying…

That’s not a bad idea. Pick a program you like and movements you can do and map out a plan.

I’ve had to temper my ego and “shame” with the reality that I just can’t do some movements and the ones I can do are way below where I was 10…20…30 years ago.
205.8 this am fasted and naked. Training as follows

15degree LOW incline alt db press SS with same incline dumbbell flyes - 50/20x15, 60x25x10, 65/25x10x2
45 degree incline alt db press SS with same incline db flyes - 65/25 x 10 x 4

Flat DB press (still a little touchy in flat with my collapsed shoulder) 60x8x2

Rope tricep Pushdowns SS with Alt DB curls - 60/22.5 x15, 70/27.5 x 15, 80/27.5 x 15x2

Bent over VBar tricep extension 80 x 15x 3

Single arm alt kettlebell stabilizer overhead press 25x8x3, I set the tone with my left shoulder. I could easily go heavier with the right but I don’t want to over power the left.
Poppy said:
I’ve had to temper my ego and “shame” with the reality that I just can’t do some movements and the ones I can do are way below where I was 10…20…30 years ago.
You know I feel this. But mental toughness is all about not letting these brute facts interfere with the mission. You’re Jimmy Connors, down two sets and a break to Borg in the third set. You have to play every point with the expectation that you are going to win this match. If you think to yourself “this is hopeless,” you’re done and might as well go home. The great thing is that all this takes is a change of mindset. Mental toughness is perhaps the greatest challenge of getting old–not letting the fact that your once strong body is slowly but surely deteriorating before your eyes stop you from lifting with dedication and enthusiasm. Overcoming that is actually a more impressive achievement than benching 405!
I absolutely hate when motherfuckers stare at me at the gym. I want to gouge their fucking eyes out and piss in the holes…

Last week was a fucking joke. I worked out once, my wife threw her back out and derailed my week after Tuesday. Now I’m playing make up and I want to go on a punching spree at the commercial gym, but I hate my buddy’s underground gym even more on Saturdays, too many wanna be’s and fuckers I used to put to shame on the platform all acting like ass fucks around me because I was a little cocky 10 fucking years ago… fuck em. Fuck everyone.

Now I see why CT is so loud and outspoken. These motherfuckers were never on my level and they judge me now that I’m fucking broken. Even broken I’m still more willing than these assholes to push myself beyond my capabilities. I got the fucking lifetime achievement award in powerlifting, you don’t leave this sport whole unless you weren’t trying… partially torn bicep, fake hip, collapsed shoulder, reconstructed shoulder, knees that barely bend, aches in my body I can’t explain, and 3” shorter than I was in 1998….

Fuck I hate this god damn gym…
Have you ever thought about setting up a home gym?

It doesn’t take too terribly much for a good session. With your skill set… modifying/fabricating onto basic equipment would be a snap.
@Poppy space my friend, space… it’s what I’m lacking the most. With a 16 year old still at home and a 24 year old leaching off mom and dad, my house is basically an f’ing sorority…. I have no space. Eventually I would like to have my own shit.

Maybe someday