SB Labs

Time to Right the Ship

I hear yeah I’m basically goig back in to prep mode I don’t know next meet yet but I want o be able to just say fuck it and enter one on little notice if need be. If I can’t get myself to lose this extra weight in December I’ll do the easy way and just accept shw
@John, thank you! I hope your thanksgiving went well! I hope all is well for you too! I see you’ve been getting after some white tail, that’s always a good time. We saw some family, but otherwise just relished the holiday weekend.

@Poppy, my split starts this week, but I was able to get 3 days in last week just sinking around and trying to remember correct form for most of the exercises. They’re very grueling workouts, but I think it’s the change my body and my mind needs. I need something to make me feel like I’m pushing myself beyond my limits like powerlifting did, but something that won’t destroy my joints quite as bad as to give them a little rest
@Dirtnasty , just make sure you keep up on your de loads. It’s very easy to transition from a strength building phase to a meet prep phase, but don’t push your strength building so hard that you actually start to detrain yourself…
JB_rD81 said:
I think it’s the change my body and my mind needs. I need something to make me feel like I’m pushing myself beyond my limits like powerlifting did, but something that won’t destroy my joints quite as bad as to give them a little rest
Sounds exactly perfect

Get after it big boy!!!
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Fasted training this A.M., 2 circuits with 2 min rest between each, 30-45 seconds rest between exercises, enough time to grab the next set of bells and get ready. Circuits were
KB pushups x 10
KB squats x 15
KB push press x 10
KB glute bridge x 10
KB floor press x 10
KB slingshot x 10/side
KB front squat to press x 10
KB Halo x 10
KB good AM x 10
KB crunch x 10

First circuit was 12 min 30 seconds, 2nd was 12. My plan is to keep to 2 circuits per workout until I get them under 10 min, then add a 3rd. Next workout is Thursday AM, different exercises
JB_rD81 said:
KB pushups x 10
KB squats x 15
KB push press x 10
KB glute bridge x 10
KB floor press x 10
KB slingshot x 10/side
KB front squat to press x 10
KB Halo x 10
KB good AM x 10
KB crunch x 10
Holy smokes!!!

You’re putting the work in for sure!!!
Tomorrows workout, fasted as usual, will be

KB Swing x 10
KB Deadlift x 15
KB renegade row x 10/side
KB snatch x 10/side
Turkish Getup x AMRAP
KB goblet squat x 12
KB windmill x 10
KB Gorilla Row x 10/side
KB clean & press x 12
KB back lunge with twist x 10

I may try for 3 circuits regardless of circuit time, and my 2 min rest will consist of KB Racked Carries around the track
The last few weeks have truly been fucked up. My dad fell, multiple times, 2 weeks ago, his neighbor (luckily he has good ones since he lives 150 miles away) found him laying on his bathroom floor, bloody, distressed, disheveled and confused… called 911 and got him to a hospital. He had kidney damage from being severely dehydrated, the onset of Rhabdomyolysis from laying on the floor for possibly 3 or 4 days (no one is sure) and elevated T Cell counts… no concussion or stroke luckily… I think he’s just a depressed drunk who’s given up.

I’ve got to go Wednesday and get him discharged, but he’s got to have a battery of tests to determine the possibility of frontal lobe dementia… so I’ll have to take days off from life to drag his stubborn ass to those, then I have to work on convincing him that it’s time to move somewhere a little closer to the wife and I, like the Vets Home (army vet). Luckily I am his power of attorney, however I discovered that had the unthinkable happened and he would have passed when he fell, my ex step mom and cunt of a half sister who won’t have anything to do with him would’ve been left with everything… part of me wants to tell him to go fuck himself and let him just die, but I can’t. He treated me like dog shit when I was growing up and he treated my sister like a fucking princess and here I taking care of him when no one else will.
Dementia is a terrible disease. Your story is oh to familiar. One child taking care of an elderly family member with zero help and the estate being left to someone else. Your dad can have that changed NOW.

Sorry to hear about all this.

For what it’s worth… you’re doing the right thing at the right time with possibly no thanks. BUT that’s what good people do.