Touchdown for nice fall cycle

Have to give both @Ldog and @GearChurch major props! Received the goods for a fall cycle along with all the needed ancillaries for PCT or if estrogen gets high mid cycle within just a few days after last email.

Here is the plan to run around October once I give my body a break for a few months after this current one of 500mg Test C, 700 mg EQ. Im currently just starting week 9 and may run it to 20 weeks instead of 18 weeks. Sent in my blood test for Test/E2/LH and should be getting the results anytime now. Will post it in a separate topic here.

Here is the plan for the fall cycle. Once I see my test levels I may adjust it down as needed but have enough to run 750 mg/week for 18 weeks. I would prefer to run just the amount needed…less is more and would like to reduce chance of sides. I’m fortunate that I don’t typically have any, but will see how my current blood work comes out soon. Never ran Proviron, but from a lot of recent discussions on here I’m looking forward to seeing how well it complements the Test.

18 weeks of test C @ 750 mg/week
18 weeks of EQ @ 800 mg/week
18 week Proviron @50mg per day

PCT (2 weeks after last pin…dose broken down by daily 1 week increments and to be taken for a total of 4 weeks)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50

Arimidex on hand as needed.

Any critiques or feedback would be much appreciated.
Shock6050 said:
18 weeks of test C @ 750 mg/week
18 weeks of EQ @ 800 mg/week
18 week Proviron @50mg per day
The only thing I would say is that you can lower your testosterone amount you were talking about less is more especially with the proviron the testosterone will definitely be working. If you wanted you could run 500mg a week and then go 20wks since you’re already at 18wks you can run your testosterone longer than your EQ.

Is this your first time around at this level?
What have you ran in the past?
Sorry I don’t remember 😎
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This would be the 1st time at 750 mg. Typically, my cycles have been around 50o mg Test C or E with either Deca or EQ. Used to kickstart with diol, but BP really skyrockets now that I’m older so dropped using those. I’ve ran 6 cycles in the past with primarily these compounds. However, the 1st one I ever did was Sustanon at 250mg/wk with dbol kickstart. I gradually increased the test to 400 for the next one, then have been holding at 500. I usually have just run 1 cycle per year, which I suppose is also part of my thought process as to increasing it for this next one after ~ 4 months off. I wasn’t quite sure if my receptors would be as fresh, but that’s another reason why I’m here…you guys would know. Maybe start it at 500 and after blood work at 7-8 weeks, I could increase it depending on how I’m responding?

Good point with the Proviron as that should free up more test, so would be another reason to keep test lower and extend a couple weeks or so.
So EQ is the worst compound to run if you have pre existing hypertension. It thickens your blood make sure you donate as much as possible even in the back of a vets office lol just kidding 😂

If you have run 6 cycles you know what to do if you have any specific questions im happy to help brother the testosterone is going to run great because of the proviron.
I would bring down the test level especially if you have difficulty with BP but you might have to drop the EQ level but you can still make good gains brother just not the compounds I would have chosen.
Thanks! Yeah my BP mainly shot up during my lag period over the past year or so where I also added some unnecessary weight. I have it under control at ~140/78 and this is 9 weeks in with test/EQ. I still take the prescriptions (lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide). I bet when off this cycle my BP may be almost normal.

You peaked my interest. Although set for next round what combination would you prefer? I’m kind of a creature of habit so have been sticking with these compounds as they’ve worked well for me but always open to alternatives that may be better suited for me.

This next cycle I plan to really focus on bulking and size. Right now I’m definitely eating enough for growth but am at a slight caloric deficit to cut down the BF hopefully ending up just around 10 or so. In the spring after adding the bulk my diet will likely be in a deficit to shed some of the added pounds from a heavy bulk, so that may affect the compounds you may suggest. I know diet is definitely the key to whether you intend to cut down or bulk, so maybe it won’t change your suggestion…very curious. 🙂
Also during this current cycle, dare I say this (@John) I’ve been hitting cardio pretty hard in the morning. Low intensity, but crank the incline up to max at 20% and go for 30-45 min 5 times a week. That also is what is helping to put me in a moderate deficit, while still eating a lot, but very clean.
Let us know how the eq treats you brother, I’m curious. I’m assuming you’re doing a cut, are you going for more vascularity and just lean mass all around?

Good post
Yeah I’m focusing more towards cutting down but not too dramatic with my caloric deficit. Seems to be working well as I’m gaining some good size still while at the same time have dropped quite a bit of BF. I haven’t been very dialed in over the past year like I am now so am making a lot of gains due to proper training and clean eating. I typically wouldn’t recommend doing a cycle if you haven’t really hit that plateau with training and already have your diet dialed in, but needed this kickstart to really get back in the game. Not simply just being fit, but the added benefits that come with it that generally adds positivity to everything…energy, family engagement, better mental focus, and overall well-being to be a better husband, father, coworker.
One question for @Bigmurph and the other gurus out there. Awhile back I was running Test at 500mg and EQ at 400. What is the main rationale for typically having your EQ dose usually ~double your test dose?
I love the size gain and fat loss effect with any compounds, wether it’s maintenance or a cut it’s very much needed. Glad you’re getting your results as it does make you feel happier and better all around.

I feel ya, when you start back on your deficit it’s tough to get back in the mode of eating correct and training consistently but man when you’re past the 2nd or 3rd month of dieting and the deficit you start to look amazing and see the body changing rapidly again. Always worth it for that recomp effect bro you will thank yourself at the end for getting back on the grind.

Definitely will get looks from the wife and everybody during the process so it’s a win win situation. Wish you success brother.
Used to have a blood donation truck show up monthly outside work, but the vast majority (including me) are fully remote from home these days. Will have to search different clinics to see when and where I can get in. Definitely will be doing this and plan to in the near future for what I’m currently on.

Edit: Found a place close by that is open 7 days a week. You have the option to donate whole blood, double red cells, or platelets. I presume either whole blood or double red cells. Isn’t it the red blood cells that are the primary issue or is whole blood the best to donate?
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I can’t speak to the physiological or biological effects of donating blood. But typically whenever you donate blood within 48 hours your body replenishes the loss with new healthier cells. I’m in medical sales … lol…that’s definitely a question that’s better suited for @NeuroRN