SB Labs

Unicornz Logger 2 month trial

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Day 16 arms

2 warm ups standing easy bar curl
3 sets 14
Super set heavy standing eazy har curl to lighter alternating db curls. About 5 to 6 bar and 8 tp to 10 dbs
3 sets
Seated concentrated single arm dumbbell curls 3x10each
Single arm preacher 3x10 each
Cable ez bar curl 3x15
Super set same thing heavy than light rep out
3 sets about 6 heavy than light rep out
Overhand grip EZ bar curl 3x15
Using the Olympic bar 3x12 forearm curls

Palms up ez curl bar tricep extension 2 warms
3 working x 15
Laying down single arm dumbell tricep extension…
When i do these i dont lower the bell towards the head but adjacent shoulder. 3 sets per armx10
Behind the back cable behind the head EZ curl bar tricep extension 3x15
Tricep pushdown? Triangle attachment
Super set using real heavy weight about six than lowering weight and reping out 3 sets
Rope attachment 5x13

Protein 215g
Carbohydrates 285g
Fats 60g
Calories 2500-2700
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When i start wanting to take a nap i know im growing some. Might have gained a couple pounds in doing so…will double check tomorrow…
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Today im going to cut back on some fats. Like dropping the peanut butter out of my homemade shakes. Maybe eventually drop the milk and use water as well. I have a weakness for hot and spicy pork rinds😬… we will talk about that later. My diet for the most part has been clean. Occasional Mcdouble because im hungry right at the moment but thats about it. If im hungry i want to eat feel me!!!..whether im on or off when im hungry im fucking hungry dawg. Chicken breast I don’t care how well you cook it. Takes forever to chew…So I’ve been using boneless skinless chicken thighs cutting off any excess fat. Eggs egg whites oatmeal bananas rice went from 73% ground beef to 93. Cheeses milk. Going to start incorporating cardio. Which i should have been doing.
I want to lean out some not so much cuz i want to but to really give 🦄 z a good rep of product. Like damn dude got some size and a little cut up. Its day 16 and tomorrow’s weigh in will let me know whats up for the first quarter you could say. Oh…and im eating salads…:roll_eyes:… Also keeping my meat portion at 8 ounces. Tomorrow im going to make shepherd’s pie… None of the powdered potato shit of course… Real simple basic diet. Work meals i eat a pound of chicken and a cup amd a half of rice. Need to start waking just a little earlier than 445am to get a little extra protein in… We take break between 8 and 9am so thats been my breakfast but i could always do more. Ill have to go with rich piana on this and you know?.. Just FUCKING do it no time for excuses get up and eat bitch… remember that’s one thing he said that used to piss him off these people would ask him for advice hed give it to him say eat more train harder… they be like I don’t know if I can do all that… well what the fuck are you asking for then??? The easy way…when there is none…lets get it…💪
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🤣🤣🤣 im telling you!!! I be waiting for my food to warm up chowing down!.. Last bag sucked though… It’s like they skipped out on the seasoning so I had to crack open the other one last night big difference in taste in a good way… 🔥
Skins are diabetic friendly with low to no carbs…that’s my story anyways!

At my desk at work…open a bag of regular and pump the texas pete in it!!!
Dammit man thats the way to go… Those and redbulls i have a little trouble with… To be honest I haven’t even much looked at the skins nutrition content…
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Well if that’s the case I’m going to start grabbing bags and 4 instead of my usual bags of 2… What else you got for a good healthy snack poppy?
That’s about it brother…mixed nuts about every evening watching tv.

Carbs are not my friend brother. It’s a matter of life or a slow miserable death brother.
So they shake without the peanut butter is pretty damn good has a smooth creamy banana taste ingredients as follows

One cup of instant five minute oatmeal
One cup of milk (I prefer vitamin D)
6 raw egg whites
One large banana

Blend it smooth

Total macros for this shake are

44g protein
87g Carbohydrates
14g fats
675 calories

By not adding peanut butter I took away 32 grams of fat. 💪💪
Really proud of myself 4 day 16 as I cut about 70 grams of fat from my average daily total and added 15 grams of protein from my average daily total. Will throw in legs tomorrow instead of 3rd in rotation because of it being a bigger muscle group and I have a longer work week…
Thank you…
Day 17 Legs

3 warm up super sets leg extension leg curl
Leg press 20 20 15 10 8 10
Smith squat 10 10 8 6
Went a little too heavy on press no one rep max today
for squats felt real strong on the press though. Added more plates
Leg extensions 5x14

One warm up walking lunges 6 each
Weight walking lunges 4x7 each
Superset barbel stiff leg to lying leg curl. 5 sets 10 for stiff leg than failure leg curl
6 sets seated leg curl 14 14 14 10 10 10

Protein 205g
Carbohydrates 270
Fats 95g
Calories 2800-3000
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Day 18 Shoulders. Please at least read end

Forgot my log book so this is pretty much from memory.

Did about 4 more months utilizing all three heads.

Dumbbell side laterals 20 20 20 17 15
Machine side laterals 5x12
Wide grip cable upright rows 5 or 6 sets. 15-17
Smith shoulder press 5 sets between 10-13
Through the legs cable ezcurl bar front raises 4x14
Slight incline bench ezcurl bar front raises
High pulley cable reverse flyes 20 20 17 15
Rope face pull 5 sets between 13-15
Seated bent over db laterals 3x12
Same thing palms facing back 3x12

First exercise! You will see 3 20’s as i was increasing weight shit DID NOT matter was still throwing it up. I could have pushed it further but i wanted to concentrate on the pump…wasnt worried to much about checking the full strength increases. In other words definitely gained some strength. I also find that a cable upright row gives me a better pump than a straight bb or smith. Massive headaches for whatever reason so the more i cranked out when it came to the last reps head got real crucial. Even so. Great pump considering. Plus i really felt rear delts on those reverse cable flys. Like damn…held off on traps because of the headache but awesome nonetheless…
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